
04-Nov-08, 9:00 am report

04-Nov-08, 9:00 am report

Guru Maharaja consciousness level is fluctuating. The whole day yesterday
Guru Maharaja was only in the sleeping state, no response until 6.15pm. At
6.15pm when a devotee was reading Caitanya Caritamrta he opened his eye and
upon the instruction of the nurse when the devotee asked him to lift his
left hand he slowly lifted but he couldn’t move his other limbs although he
was trying. Soon after that Guru Maharaja again went to the sleeping state.
As per the doctor Guru Maharaja’s general body conditions like BP, sugar
level, pulse rate etc are stable except he has some chest pain.

At 2.30 am there was another devotee who was reciting Caitanya Caritamrta to
Guru Maharaja saw him opening his eye for 10min without any movement of
eyelids and also no other bodily movements.

Like this there is fluctuation of consciousness level. The different doctors
are going to meet today and later we will be sending it to you their report.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd