
Update on Guru Maharaja

Dear Devotees,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila
Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Gurudeva.

Sorry for not giving you the update of Guru Maharaja for so long as we were
not well.

After Mumbai Meetings, Guru Maharaja went to Balaramdesh and Mathuradesh.
Then Guru Maharaja came here to Mayapur for Bhisma Pancak. Around 300
devotees observed this vrata along with Guru Maharaja. He would go everyday
to Ganges to offer tarpana and pranam to Bhismadeva, son of Mother Ganges.
Guru Maharaja would take morning and afternoon prasad along with all the
devotees in Gada building. Some devotees were singing kirtan while Guru
Maharaja took prasad. Last day was the Rasa purnima. In the evening after
the sunset and moonrise all the devotees broke the fast by having a feast.

On 22nd Guru Maharaja went to Puri for the parikrama. Guru Maharaja returned
on 28th night to Mayapur. When he came back from Puri he had some rashes on
his feet, the legs were swollen and the following day he got fever. Guru
Maharaja went to a doctor in Bhubaneswar and the doctor said it might be
rashes or allergy he wasn’t sure. When Guru Maharaja returned to Kolkata and
he was checked by another doctor and he said it was allergy. The allergy had
devoloped into infection and therefore he also got fever. He was given some
antibiotics. The fever subsided the next day and he is getting better.

He has been doing his morning and afternoon therapies of either gym or
swimming pool in the morning and new step machine excercises and walking in
the afternoon. Just a couple of days ago Mr Gopakumar, a physio therapist of
13 years experience has come from Bangalore. Guru Maharaja is doing 3 hours
of morning and 2 hours of afternoon therapy. When we asked regarding the
therapist Guru Maharaja commented he seems to be good.

Guru Maharaja has been giving classes every day either morning or evening
class which is broadcasted live on

This is for now and more later……….

Your humble servants,

Vaikunthapati Das and Ratnavali dd