
27-Oct-08, 1.30 pm report

27-Oct-08, 1.30 pm report

The doctors are happy with the progress. In fact they are amazed how Guru
Maharaja is making fast recovery in comparison to other similar cases. They
say it is a miracle. Although they wanted to take off the ventilator because
of the unstable BP they don’t want to do it today. Hasty decision might
become dangerous at this time so the doctors are very careful. His sugar
level is alright. Guru Maharaja is moving his limbs on his own and opens is
eyes now and then on his own.

No devotees are absolutely allowed in the hospital to see Guru Maharaja as
he gets emotional and that increases his BP. Atleast for 2 to 3 days NO
DEVOTEES WILL BE ALLOWED may it be senior devotees or GBCs, TPs etc. Please
stay where you are and pray and chant for Gurudeva to heal faster.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd