
27-Nov-08, from Maha Varaha prabhu

27th Nov 2008 Afternoon Shift 2pm – 7pm


I was on the afternoon shift today. Due to Mumbai terrorist attacks, our
ISKCON temple has tightened the security. Many new security measures were
applied. One of it is temple vehicles are not allowed to go out of the
temple premises and outside vehicles also cannot enter inside the temple.
Temple security officer told us, Mumbai is quiet today because many poeple
are afraid to come out. So do not take risk.

Due to this uncertainity, we told one mataji who is staying next to the
hospital to prepare prasadam for Guru Maharaja. Marici Prabhu, Nitai Prasad
Prabhu, Srivas Pran Prabhu and myself still went ahead to the hospital by
taxi. Today we reached the hospital within 20 minutes time. Streets are very
quiet. Many shops are closed. Even the hospital was very quiet. Not many
people during the visiting hours. Usually it looks like a bazaar. Security
at the Hinduja Hospital was tightened up too.

When we went into ICCU, Guru Maharaja had just finished his lunch and was
resting on the chair. He looked very tired. 20 minutes later he was put on
the bed for resting. He rested till 5.30pm. When he woke up he asked for
herbal tea and kiwi fruits. He took one and a half kiwi fruit and few sips
of cammomile herbal tea. Today Guru Maharaja had difficulties due to the
secretions. When he feels like coughing, he is trying hard but is still he
is not able to cough them out through his mouth. So the nurses had to do
suction. Right after the suction he became very tired.

JPS Servants