
Latest report on HH JPS Gurumaharja’s health by Dr. Acyutananda Pr.

Dear devotees,

Dandavats pranams,

Here i am posting for the benefit and information of all the receivers of
this conference the report sent by HG Dr. Acyutananda das Prabhu who has
been with HH JPS Gurumaharaja since the very beginning serving him and now
also traveling with him in Los Angeles.

this reports intends to clear out some doubt  and to give a clear picture of
the current situation of the health of Gurumaharaja as well as to give some
advices to all the disciples and well-wishers of GM who are concerned about
his progress in order to achieve some sort of independence in his physical

As you all know HH JPS is a first class preacher and devotee, always
thinking in how to serve his Divine Gurudeva, Srila Prabhupada, so he very
rarely thinks in his body and the physical limitations he has to stop his
traveling or preaching’s, but it is up to us to take care of these issues
and understand the situation with maturity and take always the proper
decision for the benefit or Gurumaharaja above of all our sentimentalism or
desires. in this way we helping GM in his recevery period and offer more
devotional service and follow up his instructions,


Extractos de homenajes de VP de los Hermanos Espirituales de Guru Maharaja

Extractos de homenajes de VP de los Hermanos Espirituales de Guru Maharaja

Querido Maharaja/Prabhus:


¡Jay Srila Prabhupada y Srila Gurudeva!

Estoy compartiendo mensajes fantásticos, a bajo, de los hermanos
espirituales de Guru Maharaja, de los sitios web Victoryflag y Mayapur.
Estas citas nos inspirarán a amar y servir a nuestro maestro.

Guru Maharaja el faro principal de esperanza
Jamás he conocido a un devoto que haga tanto servicio como tú, y quien logra
hacer múltiples cosas; predicando, administrando, cuidando de los devotos,
asistiendo a reuniones y otros deberes. Ciertamente Mahaprabhu se manifiesta
a través de Sus devotos, proveyendo la visión difundiendo el Movimiento de
Sankirtana. Anos atrás cuando todos nosotros aún estábamos en el humor de
templo, tú comenzaste el Ministerio de Congregación, el cual hoy en día es
el faro principal de esperanza, marcando la dirección por el porvenir de


Diary of HH JPS in Atlanta

Dear devotees,
Dandavats pranams.

Sunday 4th. 2010.

This is just a small repot on HH Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaja’s activities
in Atlanta.

As you know GM had to go to Atlanta to finish some paper work and have the
association of the devotees.

His holiness is leaving tomorrow back to Los Angeles to continue with his

As normal Gurumaharaja has his daily routine with treatments in the gym,
swimming pool etc, but this time in Atlanta had the opportunity to visit
devotees in their houses at night, holding special Namahatta  programs till
late night. Last Wednesday he had a special meeting with devotees who
couldn’t make it to Los Angles for Vyasapuja, They gave special homage’s and
was very intimate gathering. They came from New Talavan and New Orleans.
Yesterday Saturday there was a very special program called Srila
Prabhupada’s night with the assistance of more than 100 devotees who came to
remember Srila Prabhuapda’s pastimes. HH JPS gave a very special discourse
on this occasion and some SP’s lilas.


Celebración de Vyasa Puja – un reporte de L.A.

Queridos devotos:

Por favor acepten mis humildes reverencias.
¡Todas las glorias a Sri Guru y Sri Gauranga!

El fin de semana pasado se juntaron alrededor de 150 discípulos en L.A. para
celebrar el Vyasa Puja de su amado maestro espiritual, Su Santidad Srila
Jayapataka Swami Maharaja. El jueves por la tarde, 25 de marzo, se observó
la ceremonia de adivas en el salón de prasadam. Guru Maharaja fue sentado en
una silla/asana bellamente decorada y los devotos varones le estaban
ofreciendo los artículos auspiciosos, los cuales fueron ofrecidos a las
Deidades de Salagrama y Gopala, Tulasi Devi y a la Tierra, mientras se
recitaban los mantras Védicos. Tras esto Guru Maharaja distribuyó prasadam a
todos los devotos reunidos y saludándoles. Fue muy dulce ver esta ceremonia
íntima en donde todos pudieron estar cerca de los pies de loto de Guru
Maharaja, y los devotos varones pudieron ejecutar personalmente este ritual
Védico a Guru Maharaja. Antes que ocurriera este ritual, Guru Maharaja dio
una charla explicando en cómo esta ceremonia de adivas prepara a todos los
participantes para el evento importante que ocurrirá al día siguiente, en
este caso el Vyasa Puja de Sri Guru, el cual es uno de los eventos más
importante en la vida de un discípulo.


Vyasa Puja Celebration – a report from LA

Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

The last weekend around 150 disciples gathered in LA to celebrate the Vyasa
Puja of their beloved spiritual master, His Holiness Srila Jayapataka Swami
On Thursday evening, March 25th, the adivas ceremony was observed in the big
prasadam hall. Guru Maharaja was seated on the beautifuly decorated
asana/chair and male devotees were offering him the auspicious objects,
which were offered to salagram and Gopal Deities, Tulasi Devi and earth,
while the chanting of vedic mantras was going on. After that Guru Maharaja
distributed prasadam to all the assembled devotees and greeted them. It was
very sweet and intimate ceremony where everyone was able to be near Guru
Maharaja’s lotus feet and male devotees were able to perform this vedic
ritual personaly to Guru Maharaja. Before that Guru Maharaja gave a speech
and explained how this adivas ceremony is preparing all the participants for
the important event that will take place the next day, in this case the
Vyasa Puja of Sri Guru, which is one of the most important events in the
life of a disciple.


28 Mar 2010 – Picnic – Los Angeles, USA


27 Mar 2010 – Vyasa Puja Feast Day – Los Angeles, USA


27 Mar 2010 – Vyasa Puja Feast Day Part 2 – Los Angeles, USA


26 Mar 2010 – Vyasa Puja – Los Angeles, USA


26 Mar 2010 – Vyasa Puja Part 2 – Los Angeles, USA