
Letter from Guru Maharaja

My Dear Diksa and Siksa Disciples,

Please accept my blessings. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Kindly find the enclosed report of my present therapies and condition since
I’ve come to America (Note: the report has been already posted earlier). You
can find more details of the previous therapies undertaken from the website posted by Ratnavali dd.

Many of my disciples are asking when I will visit them and when will I come
to Mayapur. I am not sure yet. I’ve written the GBC Officers and to the
Mayapur Leaders to ask them whether I should continue the therapies or go
back to Mayapur. I will certainly like to visit all of you but I don’t know
how much possible it is. If the physiotherapy is successful then I should be
able to travel and visit. I was traveling around the world 5 or 6 times in a
year, obviously I would not be able to travel as much in the future, but
regarding of how much I’ll travel is not yet, it is premature to decide now.
In this way, I would like to spend more time in my zone, and a few months a
year I’d visit the other centers whenever possible.


GM’s health report by Sraddha DD

Continuity has proven to be the best therapy for Guru Maharaj. Though many
of you may think he is finally resting, Guru Maharaj is undergoing several
hours of various therapies daily. He sees physical, occupational, and speech
therapists daily and a visual therapist, a chiropractor, and a neurologist

When he is not being retrained in balance, walking, fine motor skills  and
other daily activities in the High Hopes facility (for 7 hours daily), Guru
Maharaj is training in a gym, in a pool or in his apartment. His unmatched
enthusiasm, the dedicated team of devotees and therapists, the continuity of
treatment, and all of your prayers are helping him in his recovery. His
progress is gradual, but is quite visible and inspiring.


6, 7 Feb 2010 – Los Angeles, USA


Diario de Guru Maharaja – por Teja Gaurangi Mataji

Queridos devotos:

Por favor acepten mis humildes reverencias.
¡Jay Sri Guru y Sri Gauranga!

La hermana menor de Guru Maharaja, Leslie, vino a visitarlo el fin de semana
pasado. Se quedó por unos cuantos días y obtuvo mucha asociación de Guru
Maharaja. Ella era bastante emocional en su acercamiento a él, ya que ella
ve a Guru Maharaja como un miembro querido de su familia, pero al mismo
tiempo su búsqueda por una especie de guía espiritual estaba surgiendo. Ella
es una mujer sumamente culta y consiguió muchos libros de Srila Prabhupada,
los cuales despertaron su interés por la filosofía de Conciencia de Krishna.
Antes de irse le pidió consejos a Guru Maharaja en cómo emprender el proceso
de Conciencia de Krishna. Guru Maharaja dio una explicación muy buena y
detallada en como la Conciencia de Krishna no es una religión, aunque tenga
algunos aspectos de religión, pero es un proceso espiritual puro que puede
ser aplicado por cualquiera, independientemente de las designaciones
materiales de uno. El estuvo explicando la importancia sobre el canto del
santo nombre del Señor, el maha-mantra, para poder entender la filosofía.
Pero al mismo tiempo tenemos que leer los libros para tener la fe y la
convicción en el santo nombre. Él explicaba los diferentes tópicos de los
cuales los libros de Srila Prabhupada tratan, de modo que ella pueda escoger
el más aplicable para su interés.

Cuando ella se estaba yendo, expresó en como ella se siente cada vez más
cercana a Guru Maharaja, y decidió que ella quiere mantenerse en contacto
con él y quiere verlo cada vez que él venga a EE.UU. Ella disfrutó en la
asociación de los devotos y apreció cualquier atención y regalos que se le
obsequiaba. Su única queja era que fue sobrecargada con prasadam (a la
manera de nuestra hospitalidad Hare Krishna).

Su sirvienta,

Teja Gaurangi devi dasi

(Traducido por: Mayuri Sakhee daasi, Sri Dham Mayapur)


Un informe importante desde Los Ángeles

Estimados devotos:

Por favor acepten mis reverencias.

Debido a la carencia de cuartos en el templo y falta de obra de mano aquí en
Los Ángeles, nosotros, los discípulos de Jayapataka Swami en Los Ángeles,
humildemente rogamos a todos aquellos devotos que planifican visitar a
Jayapataka Swami en Los Ángeles, que amablemente hagan sus propios arreglos
en cuanto a alojamiento y transporte.

Si usted necesita cualquier ayuda en relación a este asunto, amablemente
póngase en contacto con Bhagavat Krpa Prabhu al siguiente mail:

Número de celular: +1 310 845 9040′

Apreciamos su amable cooperación.

Vuestro sirviente,
Bhagavat Krpa Das

(Traducido por: Mayuri Sakhee daasi, Sri Dham Mayapur)


Reporte 27 al 31 de Enero de 2010, “RESUMEN DE OTRA CORTA SEMANA”

Isvara Puri M das Reporte: 27 al 31 de Enero de 2010.


Reverencias. Todas las glorias a Sri Guru y Sri Gauranga.

Este miércoles 27 de Enero después de toda la mañana de ejercicios en HH y
del prasadam del medio día nos dirigimos hacia la piscina, era un típico
hermoso día Californiano, completamente asoleado y una temperatura
completamente agradable, todos los que fuimos entramos a la piscina. Incluso
Sarva y Divya Matajis, estuvieron en otra piscina de este gran complejo de
natación en esta “High School”. GM aunque entró bastante tarde a la piscina,
Mark se quedó un tiempo extra, ayudando y dirigiendo a GM. Esta vez GM
prácticamente no caminó sin apoyo, Mark lo estuvo sosteniendo todo el tiempo
en su caminar. También practicó algunos otros ejercicios. Después que
terminamos nos dirigimos a una cita para la terapia de sus ojos donde antes
la M Ananda Krishna tiempo atrás lo había llevado para que le cambiaran sus
lentes para ver a distancia. La llegada allí tomaría una hora y la consulta
seria por otra hora más. El Dr., Acyutananda P y mi persona entramos a la
consulta. Esta cita no era exactamente para recetar lentes a GM, si no para
que hiciera algunos ejercicios con sus ojos y enseñarle como hacerlos en
casa. GM estaba bien cansado, aunque la Dra., permitió que entráramos dos a
la consulta, el Dr., tampoco podía mantener los ojos abiertos debido al


A report by Guru Maharaja on his present health situation

Since the beginning of Dec and Jan I’ve been taking therapies in Southern
California. I’ve been graciously offered a quarter in the Los Angeles
Temple, New Dwarka, by Svavas prabhu, the temple president. He said that as
long as it takes I am welcome to stay for the therapies. Some of the
devotees attending me are staying in the quarter and some are in the
brahmacari and brahmacarini quarters.

The therapy is basically centered from Monday thru Thursday at the High
Hopes Head Injury Rehabilitation Program. There may be around 50 to 100
students at High Hopes. They are a Charitable Trust so they charge $2500 per
month, where as other places in North America seem to charge about $1000 a
day, more or less.


GM’s Diary – by Teja Gaurangi Mataji

Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances.
Jay Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Guru Maharaja’s youngest sister Lesli came to visit him during the last
weekend. She stayed a few days and got a lot of association of Guru
Maharaja. She was quite emotional in her approach to him, since she sees
Guru Maharaja as a dear member of her family, but in the same time her
search for some kind of spiritual guidance was coming up. She’s a highly
educated woman and she got many Srila Prabhupada’s books that woke up her
interest for the philosophy of KC. Before leaving she asked an advice from
Guru Maharaja how she could start with the procces of Krishna consiousness.
Guru Maharaja gave a very nice and detailed explanation of how Krishna
Consiousness is not a religion, although has some aspects of religion, but
is a pure spiritual procces which can be applied by anyone, regardless of
one’s material designations. He was explaining about importance of chanting
the holy name of the Lord, the maha-mantra, in order to understand the
philosophy. But at the same time we have to read the books to get conviction
and faith in the holy name. He was explaining what are the subjects of
different Srila Prabhupada’s books, so that she can choose which are the
most applicable for her interest.

When she was leaving she expressed how she feels more and more close to Guru
Maharaja and decided she wants to keep in touch with him and she wants to
see him every time he comes to USA. She enjoyed in association of devotees
and appreciated whatever attention and gifts she got. Her only complain was
that she was overloaded with prasadam (in the manner of our “Hare Krishna”

your servant,

Teja Gaurangi devi dasi


Sobre Anupama Gopi DD

Queridos Devotos:

Hare Krishna. Por favor acepten mis más humildes reverencias. Todas las
glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Todas las glorias a Srila Gurudeva.

La siguiente es una carta de Guru Maharaja pidiéndonos a todos de seguir
orando por la madre Anupama Gopi, quien todavía se encuentra en la UCI
(Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo).


Por favor acepten mis bendiciones. ¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Ella ha mejorado levemente pero aún se encuentra en una condición crítica y
peligrosa, por favor sigan orando etc.

Espero que esta los encuentre saludables y felices,

Su siempre bienqueriente,

Jayapataka Swami


(Traducido por: Mayuri Sakhee daasi, Sri Dham Mayapur)


GM’s Diary 22-24 Jan by Teja Gaurangi Mataji

Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Guru Maharaja!

Last Saturday and Sunday, 23-24 January, Guru Maharaja spent his weekend
in San Deigo. He was hosted by his disciples, Yasoda Kripa devi dasi and her
daughter Jayanti Radhika devi dasi. They accomodated Guru Maharaja and all
his servants at their house.

Before that, on Friday 22nd January, the auspicious Appearance Day of Sri
Advaita Acarya Prabhu, Guru Maharaja visited the Laguna Beach temple and
gave an evening class about the glories of Sri Advaita Acarya. Guru Maharaja
was expressing his happiness for being able to have darshan of the Advaita
Acarya Deity, since in Laguna Beach temple their presiding Deities are Sri
Panca Tattva. He is sad that he feels a separation from Sri Panca Tattva
Deities of Sri Mayapur Dham, and by being in the presence of Sri Panca
Tattva in Laguna Beach, his separation is a bit pacified. A lot of devotees
came for celebration and some of them brought the offerings for Advaita
Acarya Prabhu. There were all together 200 preparations for the offering.
During the kirtana Guru Maharaja was standing a long time in front of the
Deities offering his prayers, and after that he was participating in the
kirtan by slightly waving his body to the rythm of the kirtan. That night
Guru Maharaj was hosted in the house of his Godbrother Rasaparayana Prabhu
and his wife Parvati.