
13-Dic-08, Reporte

Reporte del estado de SS Jayapataka Maharaja por el Dr. Madhavananda das,
Director del Hospital Bhaktivedanta, Mumbai

A Maharaja le fue removido hoy el tubo de traqueostomía. En fisioterapia, su
caminar está mejorando poco a poco. Puede pararse mejor. Su masticada y
tragada es normal. Su presión sanguínea y nivel de azúcar están bajo
control, con medicación. Por favor continúen orando.

(Traducido por: Madhuri Yamuna dd, Mayapur)


10-Dic-08, reporte de Maha Varaha prabhu

Turno de la noche, 10 de diciembre del 2008, 6pm – 6am.


Hoy SS Janananda Goswami visitó a Guru Maharaja. Él estaba a punto de salir
del hospital cuando entré a la unidad de terapia intensiva. Guru Maharaja
estaba sentado en una silla cerca de su cama. Preguntamos a Guru Maharaja,
-“¿Prefiere usted tomar la cena sentado en la silla, o en la cama?” Él dijo,
-“En la cama”. Bhadra Balaram Prabhu fue a llamar a los muchachos del
hospital, que nos ayudan siempre a sostener a Guru Maharaja.

Hoy, Vasudevatmaja Prabhu, el cocinero personal de Mayapur de Guru Maharaja,
vino con nosotros al hospital para recibir algún comentario de Guru Maharaja
sobre su cocina. Guru Maharajá le dijo, -“¡Estoy ganando fuerzas porque
estás cocinando alimentos nutritivos para mí!!!” Guru Maharaja  levantó sus
brazos, de cierto modo, ¡como para demostrarle cuán fuerte se está
poniendo!! ¿Pueden ustedes imaginarse la satisfacción que Vasudevatmaja
Prabhu debe haber experimentado oyendo tales nectáreas palabras?

Mientras esperábamos a que vinieran los muchachos, le leí un par de cartas a
Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja escuchaba las cartas mientras Vasudevatmaja
Prabhu le cortaba las uñas de los pies. Veinticinco minutos después, nos las
arreglamos para colocar a Guru Maharaja en su cama, con la ayuda de estos

Poco después de colocar a Guru Maharaja en la cama, comenzamos a darle la
cena. Mientras estaba tomando su cena, Guru Maharaja, preguntó, -“¿Te parece
que el canto de fondo de Srila Prabhupada está muy fuerte? ¿Molestará a
otros pacientes?” Le dije a Guru Maharaja, -“Hasta ahora no hemos escuchado
ninguna queja acerca de ello, así que no hay nada de qué preocuparse.” Aún
cuando la salud de Guru Maharaja está en malas condiciones, noto que su
humor de cuidar por el bienestar de los demás sigue siendo el mismo. Recordé
cómo poco después de recobrar el sentido nos preguntó, -“¿Donde están
quedándose todos ustedes? ¿Dónde toman prasadam en el hospital?”

Guru Maharaja descansó hasta las 10.30 pm. Antes de irse a dormir, nos dijo
al Dr. Acyutananda y a mí que cambiáramos su posición al dormir de izquierda
a derecha a la 1am. A la 1am, entramos otra vez para cambiar su posición al

Los sirvientes de JPS

(Traducido por: Sangini dd, Argentina)
(Editado por: Madhuri Yamuna dd, Mayapur)


4-Dic-08, de Isvara Puri prabhu

De: Isvara Puri Prabhu, 4 de diciembre de 2008. Turno de la tarde: 1:00pm –

Por favor acepten mis reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a
nuestro amado Gurudeva.

Llegamos al hospital poco antes de la 1pm. Maha Varaha Prabhu estaba
esperándonos y nos comentó que él iba a permanecer todo el día en el
hospital para coordinar con nosotros, y enseñarnos ejercicios de
fisioterapia para Guru Maharaja.

Esta vez, tenían a Guru Maharaja sentado en el borde de la cama con sus pies
de loto sobre una silla baja. Era un poco difícil para Guru Maharaja
mantener el equilibrio por sí solo. Por lo tanto, otro devoto lo sostenía de
modo que él no se cayera para los costados. Luego, Maha Varaha Prabhu
comenzó a darle prasada a Guru Maharaja. Realmente era un poco complicado
alimentar a Guru Maharaja en esa posición, pero Guru Maharaja estaba
determinado a continuar.

Me pidieron que dejara la habitación de Guru Maharaja ya que había bastantes
devotos  asistiéndolo. Estuve esperando abajo. Aproximadamente a las 7:30
pm., llamé a Dharesh Prabhu, para que volvamos al templo dado que nuestro
turno había terminado. Él me contestó, “ISVARA PURI, ESTAMOS MOVIENDO A GURU
MAHARAJA A OTRO CUARTO. ¡VEN A AYUDARNOS!”. Inmediatamente, tomé el elevador
y fui al cuarto de Guru Maharaja en el décimo piso para cambiarlo a otro
cuarto en la segunda planta. Fue realmente un momento inolvidable.

Este cuarto es mucho mejor que el del décimo piso, es más pacífico y
espacioso. Trajeron cuidadosamente a Guru Maharaja a su nueva habitación. Lo
primero que vi fueron dos hermosos cuadros de Radha Madhava  justo sobre la
cabecera de su cama. ¡Guru Maharaja estaba brillando como el sol! Las
enfermeras nos pidieron muy cortésmente salir de la habitación, ya que
tenían que acomodar a Guru Maharaja en su nuevo cuarto.

En poco tiempo abrieron las cortinas, y nosotros entramos precipitadamente
otra vez, como abejas solamente buscando el néctar. Había cuadros del Señor
Narasimha y del Panca Tattva puestos en la pared. Guru Maharaja quiso saber
dónde estaba el este y Vidvan Gauranga prabhu fue a averiguarlo. Él volvió
con la buena noticia de que la cabeza de Guru Maharaja señalaba el este.
Esto hizo feliz a Guru Maharaja.

Comencé a masajear sus divinos pies de loto. Maha Varaha Prabhu comentó que
él ya había dado la buena noticia del traslado de Guru Maharaja, de la sala
de terapia crítica intensiva (ICCU) a la sala de terapia intensiva (ICU), a
todos los devotos en Mayapur. Dije que todos iban a ponerse muy felices y
que el mundo entero iba volverse muy feliz. Guru Maharaja  levantó su
hermosa mano, la que inmediatamente sostuve, estando agradecido con él por
el infinito amor, compasión y misericordia que tiene hacia nosotros.
Entonces salimos del hospital.

Los sirvientes de JPS

(Traducido por: Sangini dd, Argentina)
(Editado por: Madhuri Yamuna dd, Mayapur)


13-Dec-08, from Maha Varaha prabhu

13th Dec 2008 Afternoon Shift 12noon – 6pm


Today is the day the tracheostomy tube came out miraculously. Bhadra Balaram
Prabhu had described it in detail in his report. Today is also the first day
Guru Maharaja was clad with saffron cloths after being in the hospital for
almost 52 days. He looked very vibrant with his personal saffron kurta and
silk pyjamas.

It was 1.15pm, time to feed lunch for Guru Maharaja. While Guru Maharaja was
relaxing on his bed, I asked him, “Guru Maharaja! Are you ready for the
lunch?” He remained silent. Then I noticed he was trying to roll around his
brahmin thread on his right hand side thumb. But he was not able to do it
properly by himself. After I helped Guru Maharaja to roll around the brahmin
thread, Guru Maharaja started to chant his gayatri by slowly moving his
right hand side thumb accordingly with the help of his left hand. Since the
last few days Guru Maharaja also chanted Hare Krsna Maha Mantra with his

After chanting the gayatri mantra we fed lunch for Guru Maharaja. After the
lunch Guru Maharaja took 10 minutes nap. Then at 2.55pm we shifted Guru
Maharaja on a wheelchair and rushed him to the physiotherapy department.
Since it was Saturday the physiotherapy department generally closes by 3pm,
fortunately the therapist were still there when we rolled up.

While we were in the physiotherapy department Dr.Shiromani received a call
that we got another deluxe room available at the 15th floor, which we
original asked for. It is as similar as the room on the 7th floor but with
the bed facing towards South. After the physiotherapy session we took Guru
Maharaja straight to 15th floor for him to have look. Guru Maharaja decided
to shift here because he was very concerned about the sleeping direction. I
thought, though Guru Maharaja is not travelling from city to city but he is
still travelling from ward to ward. From 10th floor to 2nd floor then to 7th
floor and now to 15th floor.

We made Guru Maharaja to relax on the bed and started to set up the new
room. While Guru Maharaja was relaxing on the bed, Dr.Alvar came in to visit
Guru Maharaja. In the middle of their conversation Dr.Alvar who is an ardent
devotee of Lord Krishna mentioned to Guru Maharaja, “Your recovery is
miraculous and I heard your case will be discussed in the international
health forum.” Guru Maharaja replied with full of humility on his face, “Its
all because of prayers.”

At 6pm after having his evening fruit Guru Maharaja wanted to take little
rest to sleep on left hand side. We turned him over on his left with pillows
on his back to support him. Within 5 minutes he fell asleep. For the first
time after 52 days i heard Guru Maharaja was snoring quite loudly.

JPS Servants


12-Dec-08, from Maha Varaha prabhu

12th Dec 2008 Morning Shift 6am – 12noon

This morning Guru Maharaja looked very energetic. Guru Maharaja had his
breakfast at 8.15am. While having his breakfast Dr.Syamalal Prabhu from
Bhaktivedanta Hospital was with Guru Maharaja discussing about the
development of Guru Maharaja’s health. While Guru Maharaja was relaxing on
his bed after having his breakfast, Dr.P.P. Ashok came in for his routine
check. He greeted Guru Maharaja, “Good Morning Swamiji! How are you today?”
Guru Maharaja replied, “I am Ok. Getting better. Need more time.” Dr.Ashok
commented,”You need time and also you need Krsna.” Guru Maharaja said,”Yes!

Dr.P.P Ashok is one of the main doctor who has been monitoring the progress
of Guru Maharaja’s health from day one since he was admitted in the
hospital. In the beginning some of the doctors expressed no hope for Guru
Maharaja to recover. But from the above comment made by Dr.P.P.Ashok we
could clearly understand that Guru Maharaja’s miraculous recovery has
rejuvenated the faith on Lord Krsna in many doctors, nurses and staffs of
Hinduja Hospital.

Braj Hari Prabhu visited to inform Guru Maharaja that he is trying to shift
Guru Maharaja to a private deluxe room. He also got the room confirmed
later. At 3pm, before we went to physiotherapy department we were informed
that Guru Maharaja will be shifted to a deluxe room located at 15th floor.
After the physiotherapy session, when we returned to the ICU at around 5pm
we were told that Guru Maharaja will be shifted to similar kind of deluxe
room located at 7th floor. We had no choice, so we accepted the changes.

We packed all our belongings and shifted with Guru Maharaja on a wheelchair
from the 2nd floor ICU to 7th floor deluxe room. Everything about this
deluxe room was upto our satisfaction but the direction of bed and the bed
itself was not good. It was an olden style manual hospital bed. Guru
Maharaja was not able to stretch his legs properly. The bed was facing the
northern direction. With not much choice left, we accepted the room
considering the privacy for Guru Maharaja is the most important factor.
Finaly with the help of our devotees and some hospital staffs we got an
electronic bed for Guru Maharaja.

JPS Servants


13-Dec-08, report by Bhadra Balaram prabhu

Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Guru Maharaja and Srila

By now you should be knowing that Guru Maharaj’s tracheostomy tube is no
more there and he has no more tube going inside his body!

Well, it happenned in a far out way. We know how Dr. Hegde had been delaying
this for almost more than a week and wanted to still keep it for few more
days for additional safety.

Today some time after Guru Maharaj took prasadam, we found some drops of
liquid on his shirt but couldn’t figure out what it was. It looked like
drops of water.  Anyway we didn’t discuss much but I had some concern so I
kept specualting as to what it could be.  After some time we moved Guru
Maharaj to a wheelchair for going to physiotherapy dept., soemthing that
Guru Maharaj is really into as he knows it’s going to help him walk, travel
and preach!

But as we were about to start. Dr. Shiromani mataji noted something strange.
She found Guru Maharaj’s tracheostomy tube hanging outside his neck, like a
locket!  I guess she couldn’t believe it first and again looked at it
carefully. Yes! it was the tube that we all have been waiting to get
removed!  She immediately alarmed us not to touch it as it could trigger
serious infection and called the nurse. Nurses came running and went back to
report to the concerned doctor.

One of the nurses came back and told us not to panic and that the doctor was
on the way.

Immediately after that Dr. Hegde walked in, smiling, almost laughing,
something that I never saw in him before this day! He was followed by a lady
doctor Dr. Mayuri, representing Dr. P. Ashok, and a few more nurses.  I was
impressed to note how they were all there practically in a minute!

But the other far our thing was, Dr. Hegde didn’t know what had happened
before he was apparently told by the nurse when he arrived. He had just come
to 7th floor to check patients.  Also Dr. Mayuri who was sent by Dr. P.
Ashok also ddin’t know that Dr. Hegde was going to be there! They all got
together there at the right time  obviously by Lord Krishna’s arrangement
for his pure devotee.

I heard Dr. Ashok had jokingly said “looks like Swamiji  pulled it out
himself..!”   When someone made this comment to Guru Maharaj in front of Dr.
Hegde, Guru Maharaj very innocently noded his head and said “I didn’t do
it”! (I can still see that scene in front of my eyes!).  Dr. Hegde was
astonished but couldn’t express much, I guess, as he had to maintain his
profile.  He, still amused, and smile on his face, told the nurse to get him
gloves which she did. He told the nurse to cut the string / ribbon off and
once it was done applied some medicine to prevent infection. He then closed
it off with cotton and happily told Guru Maharaj, “you can have your shower

After doctors and nurses left I told Guru Maharaj how it was so special of
him and that Krishna had shown to Dr. Hegde (and team) that Guru Maharaj
cannot be kept as an ordinary patient.  That although he wanted to keep the
tracheostomy tube for additional safety, when Guru Maharaj was very eager to
get rid of it, by Krishna’s arrangement the tube popped out on its own!

I think it was when Dr. Shiromani mataji told guru maharaj that there was no
more tube in his body, he lifted his two hands on his own (as much as he
could) and said “Hari Bol…!”.

Guru maharaj told me to take him to the bathroom to see how he can take
shower!  He asked me if we had a gamcha for him. I took him on the
wheelchair to the bathroom and as we were discussing,  Dr. Mayuri, who had
come on behalf of Dr. Ashok came back and was shocked to see Guru Maharaj
next to bathroom!   She exclaimed “oh he cannot take shower now!” I told her
it wasn’t the case and she cooled down.   She had come to say that Guru
Maharaj needed to be monitored at least for an hour and if any symptom of
difficulty in breathing, etc. appeared we should just remove the tape and
call the doctor.

When she said that today there should be no physiotherapy, Guru Maharaj told
her how it was important for him to go for physiotherapy.  In the end she
agreed saying if he didn’t face any difficulty until 2pm she would let him
go!  I lightly told her that Guru Maharaj had a very strong will power and
that he could easily manage to not show any symptom of difficulty for a few
hours to make sure he can go for physiotherapy!   Any way, as he is, Guru
Maharaj was there in physiotherapy dept. during afternoon session!  Actually
Dr. Mayuri was quite impressed by Guru Maharaj’s spirit and agreed that it
was Krishna’s arragement that the tube came out on its own. Actually by now,
all dotctors and hospital staff treating Guru Maharaj are happy with him.

I just came to know from Mahavaraha prabhu that Guru Maharaj had no
difficulty without the tracheostomy tube and had nice rest during
afternoon hours.

Now the main concern is his immune system as his WBC (white blood cells)
count is very low and doctors are anxiously waiting to see it increase as as
he is now, any small infection could cause a serious problem. He needs to be
carefully protected from infection and this is one reason he has been
shifted to a private room although on the other hand he has become
physically stronger by Lord Krishna’s mercy.  Please keep praying.  Thanks.

Hare Krishna

Your servant,

Bhadra Balaram Das


29-Nov-08, from Isvara Puri prabhu

From: Isvara Puri Prabhu. Nov 29, 2008, Morning shift 7 am – 2 pm

Today everything is a bit more calm here in Mumbai, but the guard is still
very strict. We reached the hospital around 7:30 am. Today it was a very
active morning for Guru Maharaja and us.

At 9 am Guru Maharaja requested his breakfast. The prasadam was already
brought from the Temple. While I was feeding him prasadam, Guru Maharaja
began to inquire from Dr.Shiromani Mataji about why the decision of shifting
him out of the ICU was getting delayed. Guru Maharaja was anxious to come
out of the ICU. Dr.Shiromani Mataji explained the reason, telling him that
Dr. Ashok had no objection from the neurological side. Since according to
him, Guru Maharaja was already ready for it; but in the physical aspect, it
had been suggested that he should wait until the first days of the next

Dr. Shiromani Mataji is serving Guru Maharaja so nicely. She is always alert
in what Guru Maharaja wants and she understands almost perfectly whatever
Guru Maharaja tells her. She always supervises how we are taking care of
Guru Maharaja and Guru Maharaja appreciates her services.

After Guru Maharaja took prasadam I did some massage and physiotherapy
exercises. Immediately, a security guard came and asked Dharesh prabhu to
leave the room since only two devotees are allowed to stay inside. So Guru
Maharaja told Dr. Shiromani Mataji, “You are a doctor”. She explained that
the guards consider her only a devotee and not a doctor.

At about 10:30 am the nurse called Dharesh prabhu and myself to help her
move Guru Maharaja. She wanted to make him sit on the edge of the bed with
his lotusfeet hanging. It seemed to be the first time they were going to do
it, so they needed the help of 5 people; 2 to hold and move his back, 2 to
move his lotusfeet, and the nurse coordinating everything. It was a success!
I had the fortune to move his lotusfeet. Then Guru Maharaja immediately
asked if there was any book to read for him. I pointed out the Caitanya
Caritamrta and asked him if I could read.

I began to show him the photos and pictures in the book, beginning with
Srila Prabhupada. We had to keep him in that position for half an hour as
per the doctor’s instruction. Then Marici Prabhu arrived. Dharesh Prabhu
handed over his place for him to hold Guru Maharaja’s back.

After a while Marici Prabhu told me that he wanted to make Guru Maharaja
practice his speech. The first suggestion was: “Guru Maharaja, please say
“GAURANGA”, now “NITYANANDA”, then he asked Guru Maharaja to utter the full
Panca Tattva Mantra, Srila Prabhupada’s Pranama Mantras, and Guru Maharaja
chanted in an almost perfect way.

Then the haematologist came, he began to speak about Guru Maharaja’s
nutrition and said, “THIS IS A BIG GUY; he needs a good nutrition”. He began
to instruct the other doctors about which vitamins and nutrients Guru
Maharaja would require from now on, stressing that he has been more than 30
days without the required amount of nutrients for a person of his

JPS Servants


13-Dec-08, Report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj’s tracheostomy tube has been removed today. At physiotheraphy, his
walking is improving slowly. He’s standing better. His swallowing and
chewing are normal. Blood pressure and blood sugar are under control with
medication. Please continue praying.


12-Dic-08, Reporte

Reporte del estado de SS Jayapataka Maharaja por el Dr. Madhavananda das,
Director del Hospital Bhaktivedanta, Mumbai

Maharaja se mudó de cuarto hoy, salió del ICU. El tubo de traqueotomía está
todavía allí el cual será removido la próxima semana. Se mantiene por
precaución. Los fisioterapeutas comentaron que la postura de Maharaja está
mejorando. Hoy lo hicieron andar en bicicleta, sobre la bicicleta inmóvil,
durante 10 minutos.

(Traducido por: Mayuri Sakhee daasi, Mayapur)


11-Dic-08, Reporte

Reporte del estado de SS Jayapataka Maharaja por el Dr. Madhavananda das,
Director del Hospital Bhaktivedanta, Mumbai

Maharaja pudo hoy dar unos pocos pasos con menos ayuda que ayer. Él mantiene
una cuenta diaria de los pasos que da, anotando su progreso. Los doctores
esperan trasladarlo a otra habitación, fuera de terapia intensiva, dentro de
unos días. Por favor continúen orando por su pronta recuperación.

(Traducido por: Madhuri Yamuna dd, Mayapur)