
26-Nov-08, from Marici Prabhu

Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Guru and Sri
Gauranga. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

This is small a report of my association with Gurudeva today.

I arrived at the Hinduja Hospital at 11am and took about one hour of waiting
outside the hospital to be able to get the pass.

When I entered into the ICCU room Guru Maharaja called me and I noticed a
natural happy expression on His face. He asked me, “How are you? How was
your trip to South America?” I started relating about our tour to Chile and
Argentina and I was amazed how Gurudeva interacted so well during the
conversation. Often he asked me a few technical questions about the devotees
in Santiago, Chile and also about the farm of Mukunda Hari prabhu.

Guru Maharaja has many of his facial muscles and nerves which are not
working properly. For instance he has modulation difficulties to pronounce
certain syllables especially those with B, P and O. Also there are certain
weaknesses on the muscles of his eyes facing difficulties to move them right
or left but now he can move nicely his eyes up and down. Like that, he is
experiencing the same difficulties in other different parts of his body but
doctors are very positive and happy about Gurudeva because every single day
they can see a significant progress. For instance, just a few days ago, Guru
Maharaja started eating just 1 spoon of food a day and today I had a chance
to feed him oats at 11:30am, lunch at 2pm and dinner at 8PM and he ate so
well like any other normal person which is a very good progress. I was
feeding him like feeding a baby.

In today’s lunch Guru Maharaja particularly liked the sabji with vegetables,
peas, tomatoes, etc.and asked me who cook it? It was done by Vasudeva
prabhu. Everyday he is cooking prasadam for Gurudeva with a team of Mayapur
devotees according to the prescriptions given by the doctors. He also liked
very much the spinach subjee. Also asked which kind of rice he uses

I helped Guru Maharaja to do some exercise moving his hands, arms, feet and
legs and he did well. The doctor said it is a good exercise for Guru
Maharaja to talk so I made him to repeat Gauranga and the full Pancatatva
mantra. His speech is getting better. At different times of the day I asked
him to speak more.

I told Guru Maharaja that today was Ekanath Gaura prabhu’s birthday. He was
happy to know and he wanted to know where he was and what time he would
come. Then we made a “secret plan”. When Ekanath came at 8pm Guru Maharaja
pointed to him something hidden by the window. It took about 2 minutes for
Ekanath to understand and he saw a surprise gift that Guru Maharaja had for
him. He opened the gift and it was a Maha Cake from Their Lordships Sri Sri
Radha Rasabihari and everybody was so happy!

Some short stories from today:

I asked Guru Maharaja who did for you this beautiful tilak? Guru Maharaja
reply: “Bhadra Balaram”. Where is Bhadra Balaram? What time he will come?”
(he is a very dear disciple of Gurudeva)

I brought 2 anti stress Chinese metal balls for Guru Maharaja to exercise
his hands. It is a kind of physiotherapy work and he liked them but he
needed a lot of my help to be able to use them.

I showed to Guru Maharaja a beautiful drawing that a Mataji from Chile did
for Him. He was so happy with it! (please see the drawing which is attached
with this text). I described the whole drawing to Him. Guru Maharaja is in
the hospital bed and his walking stick is hidden bellow his pillow, and I
described each of those devotees depicted on the drawing (Ekanath,
Atmananda, Sarva Sakti, Divya Priya, Seva Swarupa, Maha Varaha and myself)
and he was so happy and started calling the nurses and requested me to show
the drawing to them. He asked me who did it? It is Bhaktin Monica from
Chile. Thank you Monica to give Gurudeva a few minutes of happiness!

Gurudeva was very happy to see Ikshvaku prabhu from Ecuador. He lives in
Perth, Australia and came here to serve Guru Maharaja for a week.

Tusti Mohan Krsna das was with Guru Maharaja for 40 minutes. He was amazed
of Guru Maharaja’s capacity to remember. What more impacted him was when he
arrived Guru Maharaja immediately recognized him and asked him, “You are
still here? I thought you left to Mayapur.”  Guru Maharaja was informed 2
days before that Tusti Mohan Krsna das was going to represent him for the
world interfaith conference held at Sri Mayapur Dham till December 6th. He
says that Guru Maharaja’s sugar level was tested by a nurse and it was
perfect (in 120).

I told Gurudeva that devotees from Safari sent me a lot of lovely
letters and tomorrow I will read them to Him. I also got very nice letters
for him from many other devotees and well-wishers from around the world.

Today it was the first day that doctors declared that Guru Maharaja is “out
of danger”. They also say that latest by early next week Guru Maharaja will
be transfered out of the ICCU to a private room.

10pm I was leaving the hospital and Guru Maharaja called me and he held my
hand saying, “I want you to send a message to the web. Please request the
devotees to pray so I will be able to talk and walk so I can be able to
preach.” So please I beg all the Vaishnava community to please pray to the
Lord to fulfill this humble desire of Gurudeva, Srila Jayapataka Swami.

Thank you.

Your servant,

Marici das


25-Nov-08 Reporte de Ratnavali dd

25-Nov-08, Reporte de Ratnavali dd

Aunque estamos en Mumbai enviándole los reportes a todos, no estoy yendo a
visitar a Guru Maharaja ya que es importante seguir las instrucciones del
doctor. Más importante es ver a Guru Maharaja recuperarse que nuestro deseo
de verlo. La última vez que visitamos a Guru Maharaja fue cuando Sumithra
Krsna prabhu y Tarini Radha Mataji fueron a ver a Guru Maharaja sólo por un
día, el 11 de noviembre. Afortunadamente, los acompañé.

Debido a que había algunas cartas para leerle a Guru Maharaja de parte de
sus hermanos espirituales, y también de una de nuestras hermanas
espirituales de Italia, tuve la oportunidad de  visitar a Guru Maharaja.
Madhuri Yamuna dd me acompañó al Hospital Hindhuja. Cuando llegamos al
hospital eran las 4.30pm. Guru Maharaja estaba descansando. Él había tomado
tarde su almuerzo hoy. La Dr. Shiromani Mataji mencionó que a Guru Maharaja
le gustó su almuerzo de hoy; pues Vasudevatmaja prabhu, el cocinero de Guru
Maharaja en Mayapur, le hizo su preparación favorita ’sabji jinga posto’
(Ridge Gourd con semillas de amapola). Todo es recocinado y bien majado con
las manos, de manera que Guru Maharaja pueda tragarlo fácilmente.

La Dr. Shiromani Mataji dijo que hoy Guru Maharaja ha estado alerta, y
haciendo muchas preguntas acerca de sus ojos, oídos, etc. Él desea salir del
ICCU lo más pronto posible.

Le pregunté a qué hora despertaría Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja quería ser
despertado cuando Radhanath Maharaja llegara a visitarlo.

Después de treinta minutos, pensé en cerciorarme de si Guru Maharaja estaba

Con el permiso de los otros devotos en el hospital, entré al ICCU. Nitai
Prasad prabhu estaba dándole un masaje en la cabeza a Guru Maharaja muy
afectuosamente. Guru Maharaja estaba despierto. Nitai Prasad prabhu dijo,
“Guru Maharaja, Ratnavali ha venido a verlo”. Guru Maharaja me miró. Le
pregunté a Guru Maharaja, “¿Cómo está, Guru Maharaja?” “¿Se siente bien?”.
Guru Maharaja respondió, “Quiero tener el curso de avance más rápido. Pero
los doctores me mantienen en lo más lento de lo más lento”. Inmediatamente
respondí, “No, Guru Maharaja. Según los doctores, usted está hacienda un
progreso rápido. Más de lo que ellos esperaban”. Guru Maharaja me preguntó,
¿Cómo estás?” Dije, “Estamos esperando que usted salga del hospital”. Guru
Maharaja siempre está más preocupado por nosotros que por sí mismo.

Guru Maharaja quiso que le pongan tilak en su frente. En ese momento, no
pudieron encontrarlo. Ekanath Gaura prabhu inmediatamente llamó al templo
para que los del siguiente turno llevaran tilak. Mientras tanto, ¡Él
creativamente le aplicó tilak con una crema facial blanca medicinal!
Los devotos en el hospital, me preguntaron si había llevado alguna carta
para leerle a Guru Maharaja, a lo que con mucho gusto respondí, “Sí”.

Le leí una carta muy hermosa de Kavicandra Maharaja, así como la de nuestra
hermana espiritual Lila Vilasini dd, Italia. Guru Maharaja estuvo escuchando
atentamente ambas cartas. Cuando iba a terminar la carta de Lila Vilasini,
Guru Maharaja mencionó que no pudo escuchar la última parte, así que repetí
las últimas oraciones, nuevamente.

Madhuri Yamuna dd justo entró para tomar darshan de Guru Maharaja. Guru
Maharaja dijo que no podía verla claramente. Él no está moviendo su cabeza
libremente aún. Así que ella ajustó su posición para que Guru Maharaja la
viera. Él quiso saber dónde se estaba quedando. Le respondí que ella ha
estado quedándose con nosotros en Mumbai por más de 15 días, y está
ayudándonos a traducir los reportes al español para publicarlos en la
conferencia Hispana. Esta era su primera visita al hospital. Ya que no puede
estar más de una visita en el ICCU, salí de la habitación.

Devaki Mataji, esposa de Ekanath Gaura prabhu, le había acompañado también
en el turno de la tarde. Ella había traído algunas cartas en español para
leerle a Guru Maharaja. Ella entró al ICCU después de que Madhuri Yamuna
salió, y le leyó las cartas a Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja escuchó todo y
también miró las fotos del yajna que se imprimieron para que Guru Maharaja
las vea.

El Dr. Madhavananda prabhu llegó a las 6pm., junto a su esposa, Vrindavana
Rani dd. Todos le preguntaron si Radhanatha Maharaja estaría llegando dentro
de poco. Él se veía sorprendido. Después de algunas averiguaciones, se dio
cuenta de que el mensaje “Talvez venga”, se había tornado en ¡”Vendrá”!
Radhanath Maharaja no se sentía bien, así que no podía visitarlo. Maharaja
estaba preguntando acerca de la situación y progreso de la salud de Guru
Maharaja por teléfono.

Ekanatha Gaura prabhu le habló a Guru Maharaja de cuán ansiosos están los
devotos por escuchar sus mensajes. Guru Maharaja inmediatamente empezó a
dictar un mensaje, el cual es: “Estuve cuatro días en coma. Con las
bendiciones de los devotos, la misericordia de Krishna, y las bendiciones de
los GBCs, estoy a salvo y recuperándome”. ¡HARIBOL!

Los devotos del siguiente turno llegaron a las 7pm. Antes de salir del
hospital, fuimos a ver a Guru Maharaja una vez más. Guru Maharaja no se veía
cómodo esta vez. Tenía moco obstruido en algún sitio, y las enfermeras iban
a limpiarlo pronto. Nitai Prasad prabhu le preguntó a Guru Maharaja si
quería decirme algo. Guru Maharaja respondió, “No puedo”. Le dije a Guru
Maharaja que se relaje, y que se tome su tiempo para recuperarse.

Nos hace acuerdo del pasatiempo de Dhruva Maharaja, cuando él se absorbió
tanto en la meditación de la Superalma; él dejó de respirar, y el universo
entero se estaba sofocando. Después de que El Señor le diera darshan a
Dhruva Maharaja, todo volvió a la normalidad. Similarmente, cuando Guru
Maharaja estaba con ventilación, y no respirando por sí mismo, todos los
devotos alrededor del mundo estaban casi sin aliento.  A cada segundo,
recibíamos montones de llamadas, preguntando cuando saldría él de la
ventilación. Puesto que él ha estado respirando por 5 días ya, lo devotos
han comenzado a volver a la vida. Con todas las oraciones de los devotos,
esperamos que Guru Maharaja pueda recuperarse rápidamente, como él lo desea.

De hecho, todo este pasatiempo es como si Guru Maharaja estuviera tomando
otro nacimiento; lentamente empezó a respirar, a venir a la conciencia
externa, a mover sus miembros, a hablar. Tal como cuando un niño nace y
aprende las diferentes actividades, eso da mucho placer a los padres.
Similarmente, la recuperación de Guru Maharaja está dando alegría a todos
los devotos.

Una de nuestras hermanas espirituales de Belgaum, quien es doctora, mencionó
cómo los miembros del Bhakti vrksa están haciendo oraciones al Señor
Narasimha y cantando rondas extra para la protección y recuperación de Guru
Maharaja. Ella añadió también, que ellos desean continuar con sus oraciones
para Guru Maharaja incluso cuando se mejore, pues es nuestro deber hacerlo.
Nuestro Guru Maharaja es la vida y alma para todos nosotros, así que
mantengámonos siempre orando al Señor Narasimhadeva para su protección.

¡Patita Pavana Guru Maharaja Ki Jai!

(Traducido por: Madhuri Yamuna dd, Mayapur)


24-25th Nov 2008, de Maha Varaha prabhu

24 de Noviembre del 2008. Turno de la noche, 6pm – 6am

——-Llegamos al hospital a las 7pm. esta tarde. El Hospital Hinduja está solo a
11kms del Templo de Juhu; aún así, toma casi 1 hora llegar, debido al
tráfico. Esta tarde, SS Bhakti Purushottama Swami, SG Braja Hari Prabhu y SG
Bhadra Balaram Prabhu estaban allí con Guru Maharaja cuando llegamos al
hospital. Maharaj estaba presentando la primera copia de su libro acerca del
Sri Ksetra Parikrama a Guru Maharaja. Este es un nuevo libro guía sobre Puri
Dham, escrito por SS Bhakti Purushottama Maharaj. El libro está brillante y
lleno de fotos a color.

Alrededor de las 7.45pm, antes de dejar el hospital, Maharaj me dijo que le
lea el libro diariamente a Guru Maharaja. A las 8pm, cuando entré a ver a
Guru Maharaja, sus ojos estaban ligeramente cerrados. Ofrecí mis reverencias
mentalmente. Luego, froté sus manos suavemente, y dije, “Guru Maharaja, Maha
Varaha está aquí”. Él agarró mi mano. Le pregunté, “¿Desea que le lea el
nuevo libro?” Guru Maharaja asintió con su cabeza. Después de leer dos
páginas del libro, pensé, ¿Qué haría yo si me dieran un nuevo libro? Primero
miraría a través del libro, especialmente las fotos del libro. Le dije a
Guru Maharaja, “Ahora nos iremos de Sri Ksetra Parikrama mirando las fotos”.
Guru Maharaja permaneció en silencio.

Sostuve el libro frente a él, le mostré todas las fotos de los lugares
sagrados en Puri Dham, dando una breve explicación. Guru Maharaja las estaba
mirando pacífica y concentradamente. Él también estaba leyendo algunas de
las explicaciones por sí mismo. Un par de veces, me indicó que no voltee las
páginas tan rápido. En el transcurso, me señaló su rostro un par de veces,
pidiéndome que se lo rascara. Realicé que era momento de afeitar su barba.

La señorita Leena, la enfermera que estaba sentada actualizando los
registros del archivo de Guru Maharaja, estaba maravillada al ver la
respuesta de Guru Maharaja hacia el libro. Ella encendió más luces para
ayudar a Guru Maharaja a leer el libro por sí mismo. Fuimos en el parikrama
del libro por casi 40 minutos sin parar. A las 8.40pm., algunas otras
enfermeras vinieron, y detuvieron nuestro parikrama. Me pidieron que
saliera, porque necesitaban cambiar la posición física de Guru Maharaja.
Dejé el libro en la mesa, donde la señorita Leena estaba hacienda su
trabajo, y salí del ICCU. Después de 15 minutos, eché un vistazo por la
puerta de entrada. La señorita Leena y otra enfermera Cristiana, estaban
ojeando el libro con mucha atención. ¡Jagannatha Swami Ki, Jai!!

Esperé afuera con SG Sitaram Prabhu y el Dr.Sagar por otros 15 minutos,
antes de que escuchara el anuncio, “Cama número 20″. Cuando entré, Guru
Maharaja me hizo una seña de que quería su cena. Le pregunté a la enfermera
si le podía dar de comer en ese momento. Ella me dijo que se había
encontrado restos de comida en el tubo de la tráquea de Guru Maharaja; y por
lo tanto, teníamos que consultar con el Dr. Hegde si la alimentación oral
podía continuar. Sé que los doctores no tienen hora fija de rutina de

Así que le sugerí a la enfermera que llamara al doctor inmediatamente, pues
Guru Maharaja tenía hambre. Ella respondió, “No puedo hacer eso. Debo
esperar a que venga el doctor”. Le dije a Guru Maharaja la razón por la cual
no podía alimentarlo. Él preguntó, mediante señas con sus dedos, “¿Cuánto
tiempo?”; “Muy pronto”, le dije. Después de 15 minutos, Guru Maharaja se
quedó dormido.

Mientras tanto, le conté todo al Dr. Acyutananda del Hospital Bhaktivedanta,
quien en ese momento entró para el turno de la noche, reemplazando al Dr.
Sagar. Él consultó con unos cuantos de sus doctores amigos, pero no pudimos
hacer nada. El Dr. Hegde apareció a las 10.30pm y autorizó que se continuara
con la alimentación oral. Sitaram Prabhu y yo entramos de nuevo a las
10.40pm. para dar de comer a Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja estaba todavía
durmiendo. Lo desperté y le pregunté si deseaba tomar su cena. Él asintió.

Le dimos sopa de vegetales y leche. Mientras le dábamos la sopa, Guru
Maharaja preguntó con su mano, qué había ahí en el otro recipiente que
estaba en la mesa, al final de sus pies.

Le dije, “Leche del templo. Se la daremos una vez que termine de tomarse su
sopa cremosa”. Él estuvo de acuerdo. Después de darle unas 10 cucharadas de
sopa, comenzó a toser. La enfermera aconsejó que lo dejáramos de alimentar.
Le pregunté, “¿Y la leche?” Ella respondió, “Nada. No le den nada más, de lo
contrario, puede vomitarlo”. Tenemos que hacerle succión después de un rato.
Le dije a Guru Maharaja acerca de ello. Guru Maharaja me preguntó qué hora
era, al señalarme el reloj. Le dije, “11 pm.” Me pidió que le diera un
masaje. Antes de darle el masaje, le limpié la boca y empecé a masajear su
rostro; luego, ambas manos y concluí con sus piernas. Cuando masajeé sus
pies, me pidió nuevamente la leche. Le recordé que él no podía consumir
nada, hasta que la succión fuera realizada. Al final del masaje, se quedó
dormido. Eran las 11.20pm.

25 de Noviembre del 2008 – 5.45am.
Sitaram Prabhu y yo fuimos a ver a Guru Maharaja. Él estaba completamente
despierto y se veía muy fresco. Guru Maharaja preguntó, “¿Wath tang nau?”
Esta vez, no con sus dedos, sino hablando. Estábamos sorprendidos. Repitió
lo mismo. Aunque no estaba muy claro, entendimos su pregunta, “¿What time
now?” (¿Qué hora es?) Respondimos, “Son las 6 am.”

Le dije a Guru Maharaja, “Estamos en Mayapur ahora, y vamos a atender el
programa de  mangala arati.” Asintió con su cabeza. Sostuvimos el cuadro de
Sri Sri Radha Madhava frente a él, y cantamos la canción de  mangala arati
completa. Él se mantenía mirando fijamente a Sus Señorías hasta que
terminamos toda la canción. Luego, lo llevamos a tomar darshan de Sus
Señorías Sri Sri Panca Tattva. Guru Maharaja levantó su mano izquierda, e
hizo una seña para que pusiéramos el cuadro sobre su cabeza.

Después del darshan del Sri Panca Tattva, sostuve el cuadro del Señor
Narasimhadeva frente a él, pues como todos sabemos, a Guru Maharaja le gusta
ejecutar mangal arati al Señor Narasimhadeva. Le pregunté, “¿Desea hacer el
arati para el Señor Narasimhadeva?” Guru Maharaja asintió. Todos cantamos
las oraciones para Guru Maharaja. ¡Jaya Bhaktavigna Vinasaka Narasimhadeva
Bhagavan Ki, Jai!

Al final del programa de la mañana, le dije a Guru Maharaja que era hora de
que nos marchemos, y que Dharesh Prabhu estaría viniendo pronto a estar con
usted. Guru Maharaja habló nuevamente, “No te escucho”. Esta vez habló
mejor. Habló muy claramente. Le repetí la misma frase. Él dijo, “¡Dharesh!
¡Dharesh!” Otra vez habló claramente. Le dije, “Sí, Dharesh está afuera para
acompañarlo pronto”. Entonces, tomó mi mano para despedirse. Cuando estaba
por salir, una enfermera pasó. La interrumpí para preguntarle, “¿Tiene el
Swamiji puesta la válvula de dicción?” Ella dijo, “No”. Estábamos tan
felices por la claridad del habla de Guru Maharaja, sin la válvula de
dicción. Salimos muy felices, discutiendo sobre el progreso estable, día a
día, de Guru Maharaja.

Suyos en el servicio a Guru Maharaja,

Sirvientes de JPS

(Traducido por: Madhuri Yamuna dd, Mayapur)


22-Nov-08, de Ekanath Gaura Prabhu

22 de noviembre del 2008, turno de la noche 7pm – 6am

Por favor acepten mis humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila

A las 7.15 pm prabhu Acintya Nitai y yo, entramos a ver a Guru Maharaja.
Prabhu Acintya Nitai preguntó a Guru Maharaja si quería tomar prasadam, con
lo cual Guru Maharaja estuvo de acuerdo. Guru Maharaja  estaba muy cansado
así que no lo molestamos. A las 8.20 pm alimentamos a Guru Maharaja. Guru
Maharaja tomó 10 cucharadas de sopa, muy lentamente. Le mencionamos a Guru
Maharaja que el doctor le sugirió tomar 18 cucharadas para adquirir más
energía, y Guru Maharaja estuvo amablemente de acuerdo y tomó 18 cucharas de
sopa. Como estaba exhausto, se fue a dormir inmediatamente después de que
tomó prasad.

5 am: Guru Maharaja se despierta mayormente a las 4.30 am. ¡Incluso en esta
situación él sigue su sadhana! Hoy estaba completamente despierto y quiso
hablar. Primero cantamos las oraciones del Samsara, y Guru Maharaja tocó los
pies de loto de Sri Sri Radha Madhava y del Panca Tattva para tomar Sus
bendiciones. ¡Él ofreció sus oraciones a Sus Señorías y también me pareció
que les hablaba!

Después del programa de la mañana, Guru Maharaja dijo las siguientes

Aquí está Jayapataka Swami.
Necesito estar limpio.
agua (agua en español)

Guru Maharaja quiso hablar más pero le pedimos que ahorrara su energía para
los Vaisnavas mayores que pudieran visitarlo.

Guru Maharaja se veía más fresco que ayer. Su respiración no es
completamente normal. Él todavía está cansado, pero está mejorando.


Los cuidadores de JPS

(Traducido por: Sangini dd, Argentina)
(Editado por: Madhuri Yamuna dd, Mayapur)


27-Nov-08, reporte vespertino

Informe del estado de SS Jayapataka Maharaj por el Dr. Madhavananda das,
Director del Hospital Bhaktivedanta, Mumbai

El conocimiento de Maharaja es normal. La fisioterapia de sus miembros sigue
adelante y gradualmente está adquiriendo más fuerza en sus miembros. Todavía
es incapaz de comer por si solo o sentarse sin ayuda, pero será capaz de
hacerlo gradualmente.

La presión sanguínea está bien y bajo control con medicación.

Por favor continúen orando.

(Traducido por: Mayuri Sakhee daasi, Mayapur)


27-Nov-08, evening report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj’s consciousness is normal. Limb physiotherapy is going on and
slowly he is getting more strength in his limbs. He is still unable to eat
on his own or sit without support, but will be able to do so gradually.

His blood pressure is well under control with medication.

Please continue praying.


26-Nov-08, reporte de la tarde

Reporte de estado de SS Jayapataka Swami por el Dr Madhavananda das, Director del Hospital Bhaktivedanta, Mumbai

Maharaj esta tan alerta como ayer y se esta recuperando bien. Continua sin el respirador y respirando por su cuenta de una forma confortable. La fisioterapia en las extremidades continua.

Los doctores esperan cambiarlo a una sala a principios de la semana proxima.

Por favor continuen orando.


26-Nov-08, evening report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj is as alert as yesterday and is recovering well. He is still off
the ventilator and breathing comfortably on his own. Limb physiotherapy is
going on.

The doctors expect to shift him to the ward early next week.

Please continue praying.



25-Nov-08, Report from Ratnavali dd

Although we are in Mumbai sending everyone all the reports I don’t go to
visit Guru Maharaja as it is important to follow the doctor’s instruction.
The most important is to see Guru Maharaja’s recovery than our desire to see
him. The last time that we visited Guru Maharaja was when Sumithra Krsna
prabhu and Tarini Radha Mataji had come to see Guru Maharaja just for a day
on 11th November. I accompanied them fortunately.

Since there were some letters to be read to Guru Maharaja from his God
brother and also from one of our Godsister from Italy I took the opportunity
to visit Guru Maharaja. Madhuri Yamuna dd accompanied me to Hindhuja
hospital and when we reached the hospital it was 4.30pm. Guru Maharaja was
taking rest at that time. He had a late lunch today. Dr. Shiromani Mataji
mentioned that Guru Maharaja liked today’s lunch as Vasudevatmaja prabhu,
Guru Maharaja’s cook from Mayapur made Guru Maharaja’s favorite jinga posto
(Ridge Gourd with poppy seeds) sabji. Everything is over cooked and smashed
in the hands nicely so Guru Maharaja can swallow easily.

Dr. Shiromani Mataji said Guru Maharaja was alert today and was asking so
many questions about his eyes, ears etc. Also he wants to come out of the
ICCU as soon as possible.

I asked her what time Guru Maharaja would wake up. Guru Maharaja wanted to
be awake when Radhanath Maharaja would visit him.

After thirty minutes I thought of just checking if Guru Maharaja was awake.
With the permission of other devotees in the hospital I went inside the
ICCU. Nitai Prasad prabhu was giving a head massage to Guru Maharaja very
affectionately. Guru Maharaja was awake. Nitai Prasad prabhu said, “Guru
Maharaja, Ratnavali has come to see you.” Guru Maharaja looked at me. I
asked Guru Maharaja, “How are you Guru Maharaja? Are you feeling better?”
Guru Maharaja replied, “I want to be on fastest track. But doctors are
keeping me the slowest of the slowest.” I immediately replied, “No, Guru
Maharaja. You are making a rapid progress as per the doctors. More than they
expected!” Guru Maharaja asked me, “How are you?” I said, “We are waiting
for you to come out of the hospital.” Guru Maharaja is always concerned of
all of us more than himself.

Guru Maharaja wanted to have tilak on his forehead. At that moment they
couldn’t find where it was. Ekanath Gaura prabhu immediately made a phone
call to the temple for the next shift to bring the tilak. In the mean time
he creatively applied the tilak with a white medicinal face cream!

The devotees at the hospital asked me if I had brought any letters to read
for Guru Maharaja for which I gladly replied yes.

I read a very wonderful letter from Kavicandra Maharaja and as well as the
letter from our Godsister Lila Vilasini dd, Italy. Guru Maharaja was
attentively listening to both the letters. When I was about to finish the
letter of Lila Vilasini, Guru Maharaja mentioned he couldn’t hear the last
part so I repeated the last few sentances again.

Madhuri Yamuna dd just then entered to have darshan of Guru Maharaja. Guru
Maharaja said he was unable to see her clearly. He is not freely moving his
head yet. So she adjusted her positioning for Guru Maharaja to see her. He
wanted to know where she was staying. I replied that she has been with us in
Mumbai for more than 15 days and she is helping us in translating the
reports into Spanish for posting on disciples Spanish conference. This was
her first visit to see Guru Maharaja in the hospital. Since more than one
person cannot visit in the ICCU I left the room.

Devaki Mataji, Ekanath Gaura prabhu’s wife had also accompanied him in the
afternoon shift. She had brought some Spanish letters to read to Guru
Maharaja. She went inside the ICCU after Madhuri Yamuna came out and read
the letters to Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja was hearing everything and also
gazed upon the yajna pictures that were printed for Guru Maharaja to see.

Dr. Madhavananda prabhu arrived at 6pm along with his wife, Vrindavana Rani
dd. Everyone asked him if Radhanatha Maharaja would be arriving shortly. He
seemed to be surprised. After some enquiries he found out that the message
“may come” turned out to be “will come”! Radhanath Maharaja wasn’t feeling
well so he was unable to make a visit. Maharaja was making an enquiry of
Guru Maharaja’s health situation and progress over the phone.

Ekanatha Gaura prabhu said to Guru Maharaja how the devotees are eager to
hear his messages. Immediately Guru Maharaja started dictating a message
which is, “I was four days in coma. With the prayers of the devotees,
Krishna’s mercy and with the GBC’s blessings I am safe and recuperating.”

Devotees for the next shift had arrived at 7pm. Before leaving the hospital
we went inside to see Guru Maharaja one more time. Guru Maharaja didn’t look
comfortable this time. Some mucus was stuck inside and the nurses would be
cleaning soon. Nitai Prasad prabhu asked Guru Maharaja if he wanted to say
anything to me. Guru Maharaja replied, “I can’t”. I said Guru Maharaja to
relax and just take his time to recover.

We were reminded of the pastime of Dhruva Maharaja when he became so
absorbed in the meditation of the Supersoul, he stopped to breathe and the
whole Universe was suffocating. After the Lord gave Dhruva Maharaja darshan
everything came back to normal. Similarly, when Guru Maharaja was on
ventilation and not breathing on his own, all the devotees around the world
were almost breatheless. Every second we would be getting so many calls
asking when he would come out of the ventilation. Since 5 days he has been
breathing now the devotees have started to become alive. With all the
devotees prayers we hope Guru Maharaja can rapidly recover as that is his

Actually this whole pastime is like Guru Maharaja taking another birth,
slowly started to breathe, started coming to external consciousness, started
to move his limbs, started to speak. Just like when the child is born and
learns to do the different activities it gives so much joy to the parents.
Similarly Guru Maharaja’s recovery is giving joy to all the devotees.

One of our Godsister from Belgaum who is a doctor she mentioned how their
Bhakti vrksa members are making Narasimha prayers and chanting extra rounds
for Guru Maharaja’s protection and recovery. She also added that they want
to continue their prayers for Guru Maharaja even when he gets better as it
is our duty to do so. Our Guru Maharaja is the life and soul for all of us
and let us always keep praying to Lord Narasimhadeva for his protection.
Patita Pavana Guru Maharaja Ki Jai!


24-25th Nov 2008, From Maha Varaha prabhu

24th Nov 2008 Night shift 6pm – 6am


We reached the hospital at 7pm this evening. Hinduja Hospital is just 11kms
away from The Juhu Temple, yet it takes almost 1 hour to reach there because
of the traffic. This evening HH Bhakti Purushottama Swami, HG Braja Hari
Prabhu and HG Bhadra Balaram Prabhu were there with Guru Maharaja when we
reached the hospital. Maharaj was presenting the first copy of his book on
Sri Ksetra Parikrama to Guru Maharaja. This is a new guide book about Puri
Dham written by HH Bhakti Purushottama Maharaj. It was glossy and full of
colorful pictures.

Around 7.45pm before leaving the hospital Maharaj told me to daily read from
the book for Guru Maharaja. At 8pm when I went inside to see Guru Maharaja
his eyes were slightly closed. I offered my obeisances mentally. Then I
rubbed his hand gently and said, “Guru Maharaja, I am Maha Varaha here”. He
grabbed my hand. I asked him, “Should I read for you from the new book?”
Guru Maharaja nodded yes. After reading two pages from the book I had a
thought. What would I do if I were given a new book to read? I would first
glance through the book especialy of the pictures in the book. I told Guru
Maharaja, “Now we will go on Sri Ksetra Parikrama by looking at the
pictures. Guru Maharaja remained silent. I held the book in front him,
showed him all the pictures of the holy places in Puri Dham with brief
explanation. Guru Maharaja was looking at them very peacefuly with rapt
attention. He was also reading some of the explanations by himself. Couple
of times he signaled me not to turn the pages too fast. In between he
pointed his face couple of times, asking me to scratch his face. I realised
it is time to shave up his beard.

Miss Leena, the nurse who was there sitting and updating records on Guru
Maharaja file, was amazed to see Guru Maharaja’s responses to the book. She
switched on more lights to help Guru Maharaja to read the book by himself.
We went on the book parikrama for almost 40 minutes non stop. At 8.40pm few
other nurses came and stopped our parikrama. They told me to go out because
they need to change the physical position of Guru Maharaja. I kept the book
on the table where Miss Leena was doing her work and walked out of ICCU.
After 15 minutes I peeped through the entrance door. Miss Leena and another
christian nurse were glancing through the book with full attention. Jaganath
Swami Ki Jai!!

I waited outside with HG Sitaram Prabhu and Dr.Sagar for another 15 minutes
before I heard an announcement ‘Bed number 20’. When I went in Guru Maharaja
showed me a sign that he wants his dinner. I asked the nurse if I can feed
him now? She told me that there is a trace of food found in the trachea tube
of Guru Maharaja and therefore we have to consult with Dr.Hegde whether oral
feeding can be continued. I know the doctors don’t have a fix time for the
routine check up. So I suggested the nurse to call up the doctor immediately
as Guru Maharaja was feeling hungry. She answered, “I can’t do that and I
have to wait for the doctor to come.” I told Guru Maharaja the reason of not
feeding him. He asked by the sign of his fingers, “How much time?” I said
very soon. After 15 minutes Guru Maharaja slept off.

Meanwhile, I told everything to Dr.Acyutananda from The Bhaktivedanta
Hospital who just came in for an evening shift replacing Dr.Sagar. He
consulted few of his doctor friends. But we could do nothing. Dr.Hegde
showed up at 10.30pm and allowed oral feeding to be continued. Sitaram
Prabhu and myself went in again at 10.40pm to feed Guru Maharaja. Guru
Maharaja was still sleeping. I woke him up and asked if he wants to have his
dinner. He nodded yes.

We had vegetable soup and milk for him. While feeding vegetable soup, Guru
Maharaja asked with his hand sign, what is that in the other container which
was kept on the table at the end of his feet?

I said, “Milk from the temple, we will give you once you finish eating this
creamy soup.” He agreed. After feeding about 10 spoons of soup he started
coughing. Nurse advised us to stop feeding. I asked her, “What about the
milk?” She said,”Nothing. Do not feed anything more otherwise he may vomit
them out. We have to do the suction after some time.” I told Guru Maharaja
about it. Guru Maharaja asked me what is the time now by pointing at the
watch. I said “11pm.” He told me to give him a massage. Before giving the
massage I cleaned his mouth and started the massage from his face, then both
hands and ended with his legs. When I was massaging his feet, he asked me
for his milk again. I reminded him that he cannot consume anything now until
the suction has been done. At the end of the massage he fell asleep. It was

25th Nov 2008 – 5.45am
Sitaram Prabhu and myself went in to see Guru Maharaja. He was fully awake
and looked very fresh. Guru Maharaja asked, “Wath tang nau?” This time not
with his fingers sign but he spoke. We were surprised. He repeated the same
thing. Though it was not so clear but we understood his question, “What time
now?” We answered, “It is 6am.”

I told Guru Maharaja, “We are in Mayapur now and going to attend the mangala
arati program.” He nodded his head. We held Sri Sri Radha Madhava picture in
front of him and sang the full mangala arati song. He kept gazing at Their
Lordships till we finished the full song. Then we took him to have the
darshan of Their Lordships Sri Sri Panca Tattva. Guru Maharaja raised his
left hand and showed a sign to put the picture on his forehead. After Sri
Panca Tattva darshan I held Lord Narasimhadeva picture in front of him and
as we all know Guru Maharaja likes to perform mangal arati to Lord
Narasimhadeva, I asked him, “Do you want to do the arati for Lord
Narasimhadeva?” Guru Maharaja nodded yes. We sang Narasimha prayers for Guru
Maharaja. Jaya Bhaktavigna Vinasaka Narasimhadeva Bhagavan Ki Jai!

At the end of our morning program I told Guru Maharaja it is time for us to
go and Dharesh Prabhu will be coming in soon to be with you. Guru Maharaja
spoke again, “I can’t hear you.” This time he spoke better. He spoke very
clearly. I repeated to him the same thing. He said,”Dharesh! Dharesh!” Again
it was very clear. I told him, “Yes, Dharesh is out there waiting to join
you soon. He then grabbed my hand to bid farewell. When I was about to go
out, a nurse passed by. I interrupted her by asking, “Does Swamiji has the
speech valve fixed on him?” She said,”No.” We were so happy with the clarity
of Guru Maharaja’s speech without the speech valve. We went out so happily
discussing about the steady day by day progress of Guru Maharaja.

Your in the service of Guru Maharaja,

JPS Servants