
Daily Diary of Guru Maharaj 11th – 14th August

Daily Diary of Guru Maharaja by , Maharaja Isvara Puri das. 11 to 14 August 2011.



Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

On August 11 Guru Maharaj arrived from Russia to Kolkata, completing the last portion of his second trip around the world. In Mayapur we expected arrival late in the evening of that day but due to poor weather and as a consequence the fall of a tree in the road, made his arrival in Mayapur be postponed for the next day, staying in the Habibpur village temple and satisfying the desire of the president and the local devotees, which had built a special room for Guru Maharaj, as mentioned in the report called “A Long Journey to Mayapur.”


LIVE Lecture – 22 Aug 2011 – Live Lecture from

6:30am to 8:30am Indian Time

You can watch on also



Initiations at Mayapur on 6th Sept 2011

Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Guru Maharaja. All
glories to Srila Prabhupada and his sincere followers.

Guru Maharaja is planning to give initiations at Mayapur on 6th Sept 2011
which falls on the day after Radhastami.

If any of you are planning to take initiation at this time then kindly do
the following:


Daily Diary 16 to 18 July 2011

Daily Diary By Isvara Puri Maharaja das. 16 to 18 July 2011.
Please accept our humble obeisance.
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.
The days keep passing and Guru Maharaj continues with His normal routine here in Mayapur.
For the past 3 days He has been waking up between 5: 30am and 6 am. For the activities during the day I have no knowledge in detail, but after waking He prepares for bath then breakfast then different kinds of activities such as meetings or exercise therapy in the Gym which is every other day. 


Guru Maharaja’s Itinerary

Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Guru Maharaja. All
glories to Srila Prabhupada and his sincere followers.

Here is Guru Maharaja’s Itinerary till Radhastami 2011:

21st July         Mayapur – Kolkata – New Delhi
22nd – 28th July  Birmingham, UK
28th – 5th Aug    Moscow, Russia
6th & 7th Aug     London
8th – 11th Aug    Syamadesh & Avataridesh
12th Aug          Mayapur for Jhulan yatra
13-14th Aug       Durgapur
14th Aug          Mayapur

He will attend Janmashtami in Mayapur. After Janmashtami he is tentatively
scheduled to visit Bangkladesh for a few days. From Bangladesh he is
scheduled to return to Mayapur and stay till Radhastami. He will give
initiations during Radhastami. The initiation details will be posted on this
conference tomorrow.

Your servant,
Acintya Caitanya dasa


Diary: 12th to 15th July 2011

“Days pass”
Please accept our humble obeisance.
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

GM’s activities during these 4 days have not been as intense as those of the previous days. You could say that these 4 days are more relaxed than the past 2 months in the sense He has not been traveling for considerable distances and there was no special festival during these days and to my knowledge no planned meetings. Guru Maharaj has been giving classes on Bhagavad Gita in the evening. At bedtime Guru Maharaj relaxes with the Krishna book. I asked the devotee of Iran every night to help me with Guru Maharaj and please take the service of reading, as I have to admit that my mispronunciation of some words is a disturbance to GM. Fortunately he has accepted and has been doing this service for all these nights. 


Diary: 11 Jul 2011

“THE RETURN Ekadasi Rath Yatra”
Please accept our humble obeisance.
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

Following the events of this July 11, a little past 1 pm, I went to the terrace to take my Ekadasi prasadam. The servants were taking their turns and the servant who was with GM needed help, so Daresha suggested I go to get help. Guru Maharaj was getting ready to go to the place where the Coaches depart with Jagannath Subadra Baladeva to return to their temple, as I mentioned in one of the last reports, it is known as ISKCON Jagannath Temple, which is relatively nearby. A devotee of Iran has been helping us from Kolkata. 


Diary: 10 Jul 2011 – Mayapur

Please accept our humble obeisance.
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.
This July 10 was the first day of GM in Mayapur after his long journey . He has resumed again to follow His regular activities established a year ago when he returned from his long stay in Los Angeles and promised to remain in the Dhama most of the year.
When I finished my last shift at about 6am, I was still resting. Gauranam who had just arrived later and told me about the plans, so I suggested it would be good to let him rest .At about 2pm He was taking his lunch and then afternoon break. Several devotees arrived on the terrace and were there to take darshan of Guru Maharaj.


Diary: A LONG JOURNEY to Mayapur

“A LONG JOURNEY to Mayapur”
Please accept our humble obeisance.

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

After submitting the previous report it is now 6am on 9th July. I was told that Guru Maharaj would go to Mayapur this afternoon.Guru Maharaj had gone to the temple to take darshan of the Deities. It was for about 1 hour and then we headed for the pandal ceremony for initiation that took place there.
In the room Guru Maharaj had about 30 bags or more, all of different sizes, colors and shapes. Daresha had rented a small truck to send all direct to Mayapur with Siromani. Soon the car arrived and we loaded all the bags onto the car.


GM Diary: “Rath Yatra in Kolkata 2011”

Daily Diary of Puri Maharaja das

“Rath Yatra in Kolkata 2011”

Please accept our humble obeisance. All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

Guru Maharaj’s departure to the place where the Ratha Yatra, was scheduled to be was at about 11am. At about 11:15 am I got to the appartmentt and were almost ready. A few of the servants were present and some Matajis were in the room to take his darshan. Guru Maharaj was out in his wheelchair and was in the room for a few minutes, before being taken to the elevator. Most of the other servants walked down the stairs and headed towards the exit to take taxis to the Ratha Yatra. Servants on duty would be responsible for GM.