
26 May 2011 – Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK


22 May 2011 – Balaramdesh


20 May 2011 – Damodaradesh


Guru Maharaja’s Itinerary

25 May Krishna Katha desh-London
27 May London-Los Angeles
02 Jun Los Angeles-Dallas
03 Jun Dallas-Atlanta
07 Jun Atlanta-Miami-Buenos Aires
11 Jun Buenos Aires-Santiago
17 Jun Santago-Lima
22 Jun Lima-Guayaquil
25 Jun Guayaquil-New York
26 Jun New York-Hong Kong
01 Jul Hong Kong-Delhi

From Delhi, Guru Maharaja will travel to Kolkata to attend Rathyatra
festival. Then he will be in Mayapur for sometime. His itinerary thereafter
is given below:

22 Jul Delhi-London
28 Jul London-Moscow
04 Aug Moscow-London
05 Aug London-Krishna Katha desh



Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Guru Maharaja. All
glories to Srila Prabhupada and his sincere followers.

I kindly request you to send all letters connected to initiations, preaching
reports and so on, only to

If you send these letters instead to anybody’s personal address in the JPS
office, including mine, there is a likelihood that it may remain unanswered
or that it may not get due attention.

We want to be very efficient in our service to all of you. Please help us to
do so by addressing all your correspondence related to official matters only
to <> This e-mail address has been created to serve you

Your servant,
Acintya Caitanya dasa


Change of Initiations date

Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Guru Maharaja. All
glories to Srila Prabhupada and his sincere followers.

Please note that initiations for Narasimha Caturdashi will now be held on 17
May 2011 instead of 16 May 2011. The date has been changed to suit Guru
Maharaja’s schedule.

Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause to you.

Your servant,
Acintya Caitanya dasa


Detailed activity from Guru Maharaj on the safari and post safari 2011

Dear All

Please accept my humble obeisance

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


Here is a detailed activity from Guru Maharaj on the safari and post safari. Very interesting read.


On the 24th March 2011 we flew from Kolkata to Delhi and took rest at Gurgaon. We left Gurgaon for Kuruksetra before noon. It was supposed to be a 2 hour trip but it took about 3 hours to cross Delhi from South to North and we only reached the outskirts of Kuruksetra by 6pm where we were greeted by a harinama party of devotees who showered flowers on us. Then I had dinner and we left for Ambala. We reached Ambala at 8pm and there was more than one hundred devotees waiting for us. There was about 6 sets of Gaura Nitai which are going to be worshiped by different devotee families in their homes. I did arati for the deities and then abishek and then I took little rest. I then gave class at 9pm and crowd was very enthusiastic. At 10pm we returned to Kuruksetra reaching there around midnight. So its ended up taking us 12 hours from Gurgaom to Kuruksetra when it was supposed to be a 2 hours trip.


Message from Guru Maharaja

Dear Diksa, Siksa, Shelter, Aspiring disciples and wellwishers,

Please accept my blessings and good wishes. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

My office in Mayapur, commonly known as “JPS Office”, was set up mainly
to facilitate my disciples (diksa, siksa, shelter and aspiring) and
wellwishers to assist me in my service to Srila Prabhupada and for me to
help them to progress well in their Krishna consciousness.

I want to inform all of you that since I am no longer traveling extensively
due to my health condition, I wish to step up the activities of my office
at Mayapur. We want to especially increase communication.


Narasimha Caturdasi on 16th May 2011 Initiations

Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Guru Maharaja. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and his sincere followers.

Guru Maharaja is planning to give initiation during Narasimha Caturdasi on 16th May 2011. If any of you are planning to take initiation at this time then kindly do the following:

For first initiation candidates
1.Please immediately send your:

a. Legal name
b. Age
c. Gender
d. Educational qualification
e. Occupation / devotional service
f. Marital status (married / single etc) g. Nationality h. Which lila you would like you like your name from? For example Krsna/Rama/Nrsimha/Visnu/Gaura

The deadline to receive the above info is 10th May 2011.

All temple authorities, kindly see that you send the list of candidates as mentioned above.

2. Please download the following 1st initiation forms from


Sri Sri Guru Astaka – VP 2011

Thanks Dinanath Gurudas