
HH Jayapataka Swami, (life story)

HH Jayapataka Swami.

By Tusti Mohan Krsna das.

The success of His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in
spreading Krsna Consciousness around the world starting from North America
basically is definitely an amazing achievement for a great personality
empowered by the Lord Himself  to fulfill an almost impossible mission in
Kali Yuga in a very short time, but this success of Srila Prabhupada is also
because of the inspiration that His Divine Grace have given to young people
in the western societies during a very important  era in the 20th century
full of conflicts and transformation. Among these young people inspired by
Srila Prabhupada to carry on this task, is His Holiness Jayapataka Swami
that in 1968 surrendered totally to His Spiritual Master Srila A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and to Sri Sri GaurNitai, the most merciful
incarnations of the Lord Himself in this era.

Srila Prabhupada: “I went to your country with a mission & you all good
souls were sent by Krishna to me.”


Caitanya Lila – Day2 -transcript- must read

(transcribed by HG Jayaraseswari mataji)


Yesterday we discussed about Srivas. Today we are going to discuss about
Gadadhara Pandit and tomorrow Advaita. Tomorrow we are going to Shantipur.
….I am studying poetry. Lord Caitanya said, oh you are reading poetry, let
hear some poetry. Ha! Ha! Then Gadadhara composed some poetry and Nimai
said , well what are the characters of liberations? Or tell us something
liberation. So he said, well you have to suffer first and then only you can
liberation and he quoted some verse and Lord Caitanya He said that is not
liberation and told him like you go should go back home study again and I
see you tomorrow. And like this every day He was defeating him. He is the
of Saraswati the goddess of learning, so naturally He would defeat everyone.
Later when He took initiation in Gaya, He came back and He was a devotee and
from that time this Gadadhara joined His sankirtan party and  Pundarik
Vidhyanidhi was there. So Lord Caitanya, He would call out: Pundarik!
Pundarik! And devotees thought that well, He is just calling the name of


Transcript of Caitanya Lila -Day 1 – 15 MARCH 2011,Mayapur


(transcribed by HG Jayaraseswari mataji)
We offer tarpana for Bhismadev in the Ganges. He was a brahmachari since his
birth and did not marry and he had no children to do his tarpana, so we all
accept to do for him because he was a pure devotee of the Lord. Of course
could say that he doesn’t need it but it is to our benefit to do it.
So there is one story from the Padma Purana, there was this devotee and he
would go everyday to the Ganges and there he would bathe, recite his
offer prayers  and then take a bucket home and give to his wife and
So this was his daily practice. He was a great devotee of the Ganges.
Prabhupad said that he wanted to go every day to the Ganges and that if he
could do that it could extend his life. At that time the Ganges was far away
and there were many properties on the way. We were trying to buy all the
properties but it was very difficult. Now the Ganges is very close. So, it
easy now but at that time it wasn’t. Prabhupad, he would say, as a child he
would go every day to the Ganges by the Howrah bridge.


Online lectures schedules

hare krsna
my dear god brother, god sister, and well wisher of my beloved GuruMaharaja
please accept our humble obeisances, all glories to srila Prabhupada
all glories to Srila Jayapataka Swami Acaryapada
All glories to online viewers

As Gurumaharaja arrived in Sri Dham Mayapur, Gurumaharaja was busy in
attending different important managerial mettings along with Annual GBC
Meetings as well, and then Gurumaharaja was busy everday in Navadvip Mandal
Parikrama, everday visiting all the 4 groups. After long time again from
tomorrow onward our beloved gurumaharja will be giving class daily and it
will be broadcast online for online viewers and you can send your spiritual
question to be answered by Gurumaharaja. The details of class timings are as
follows. all time are mayapur local time, for your local time click

tomorrow  15th march 8 am (also you can watch live in

tomorow onward everyday evening our beloved gurudeva will shower nectar on
the nectarin pastime on Caitanya lila
15th march
16th march
17th march
18th march
everyday till 18th march from 7.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m.

and on 19th march the day of gaur purnima day class will be at 8.a.m. till
9.30 a.m.
we will announce later the detail program of gaurpurnima day

to watch online class click any of the following link

please inform all your friends

your servant in the service of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga
madhva kanta das

(Note: Any changes we will announce to you)




Going on safari for another day
Chanting Hare Krishna all the way
Singing dancing staging a play
Spreading Gaura’s glories wherever we stay

Dear devotees: Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila
Prabhupada. All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

By the blessing of all the Vaishnavas and blessings from Sri Sri Radha
Madhava, once again we have the pleasure of organizing an adventurous

This year 2011 will be very special and here are the highlights:

* visit the amazing holy places of Vishnu Gaya. Buddha Gaya, Kurukshetra
Dham, New Delhi, Vrindavan Dham and Jaipur.

* By the blessings of Sri Vrinda Kunda, Sri Sri Krishna Balaram and Sri Sri
Radha Syamasundara we will have the transcendental association of our Safari
captain HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Bhakti Dhira Damodar Swami, HG Angira Muni
prabhu and many other wonderful devotees.

* all Safari devotees are looking forward to hear the eternal lilas of Sri
Sri Radha Mahava in Vrindavana from our dear Deena Bandhu prabhu.

* Vrindavana Dham will include 4 days Parikramas by bus (Gokula, Govardhana,
Nandagram and Varsana) and 1 day parikkrama to the local temples of the
Gosvamis and holy places of Vrindavan.

* we expect this year around 200 devotees from all over the world

Safari will start in Mayapur on the 23th March and the first stop will be
Gaya. On 26th we will arrive Kurikshetra Dham. 27th will arrive in Delhi
ISKCON temple. 29th Vrindhavan Dham. 4th April Jaipur and will return to
Mayapur Dham by 11 of April.

Anyone interested to participate or get more information about

Marici das @ mobile +917602760589
Manohar Shyam das @ +917602760118
Sarva Shakti Devi Dasi @ +918171806142


Navadwip Mandala Parikrama Day 6 Part 1 (13/3/11)

Navadvip Mandala Parikrama-day 6(13th March 2011)  Today is the 6th day of
our parikrama.Since the last 5 days many devotees in Mayapur have been
hearing how ecstatic it is visiting all the 4 parikrama parties everyday.
This morning we had about forty devotees following Guru Maharaja on his car
parikrama. We had devotees from Sweden, Ecuador, Russia, Switzerland and
Spain following Guru Maharaja in six vehicles. Looks like Guru Maharaja’s
party had become the fifth parikrama party! Though ours was the smallest,
yet it was the fastest Parikrama party!  Our first party to be visited for
this morning was the International party at Simantini. This was the same
place where we met the Russian party yesterday morning.


Navadwip Mandala Parikrama Day 5 (12-03-11)

Today is the 5th day of the Navadwip Mandala Parikrama. It is so ecstatic to
be in the Parikrama, to immerse in hearing the transcendental pastimes of
Sri Mahaprabhu, sitting in the very same place where these pastimes took
place,chanting and singing the holy names, walking in the dust of dhama, to
take bath in the holy Ganga and be in the association of devotees. We really
look forward to go on this special parikrama every morning. For us (the
servants) it is special because we get to go along with Guru Maharaja and
get to visit all the four parikrama groups everyday. Guru Maharaja had the
darshan of Their Lordships and departed from Iskcon Mayapur at 7.30am. It
was a breezy and sober morning after the stormy night. We headed towards
Simantini to meet the Russian Party but they had not reached yet.


Navadwip Mandala Parikrama Day 4 Part 2 (11/3/11)

While driving back to Mayapur Guru Maharaja shared couple of very
interesting informations with us. He said today he traveled through all the
nine islands by car. Then he was describing how he traveled all the nine
islands simply by visiting all the four parikrama parties. He has got the
whole map of Navadwip in his mind. Our discussion led to the mahasanga of
all the parikrama parties which will take place on the 14th March especially
the place where they are all going to meet. At that point Guru Maharaja said
that we could have even organised all the parikrama parties to get together
at the land next to our Panca Tattva Hall. He said Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur
has described in Bhakti Bhavataranga, how he saw the lila of Lord Caitanya
and his entire sankirtan party transformed into Krsna and gopis performing
rasa lila right here at Antardwipa. He continued that actually Srila
Prabhupada has said that our Iskcon Mayapur Radha Madhava temple hall is
located in Rudradwip, Pancatattva Temple Hall is located in Antardwip and
Nrshingadev altar is in the border of both the islands. As we were listening
to this wonderful discussion we saw a big gust of wind blowing all over. We
were passing Mayapur Nama Hatta Building when this happened. Some small
trees got uprooted,branches and twigs fell all over the road leading to
Iskcon Mayapur.Our car was in the middle of whirlpool of sands, dirts and
plastic bags. After seeing this violent storm, GM requested us to call
Sankarshan Nitai Prabhu and find out how are the parikrama devotees are
doing at the camp site? After 10 mins Sankarshan Nitai Prabhu called us and
said that some of tents at the camp site were destroyed by the strong wind
and some parikrama devotees been ferried back to Iskcon Mayapur.

Your Servant,
Maha Varaha D


Navadwip Mandala Parikrama Day 4 (11/3/11) Part 1

Today is the 4th day of the parikrama. At 7.15am Guru Maharaja came down to
the temple hall to take darshan. He comes down from His quarters to the
temple hall through the Caitanya exhibition hall using the newly installed
elevator. Unfortunately an embarrassing incident took place this morning.
The key for the grill gate which divides the temple hall and exhibition hall
was misplaced. Guru Maharaja waited for almost five minutes and while He was
waiting, I saw the devotee who was pushing the wheelchair slowly stepped far
away from Guru Maharaja, fearing he may get scolded. This is the second time
such thing has happened. It was very embarrassing for me because at least 8
of us were there with Guru Maharaja but none made sure if the key is with us
or went ahead to open the gate. Guru Maharaja kept himself quite and decided
to leave without darshan. Guru Maharaja has very high level of tolerance. He
tolerates our mistakes so much. But one should not take advantage of His
kindness. Anyway let’s get back with the parikrama now.


GM Diary – Navadwipa Mandala Parikrama Day 3 (10/3/11)

Today is the 3rd day of the Navadvip Mandala Parikrama. Our first group to
be visited today was the International party in Naimisharanya. When we were
about to go out from the Lotus Building through the exit of Caitanya
exhibition Hall,we heard the beautiful greeting kirtan for Their Lordship
Sri Panca Tattva’Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu doya kore moreeee….’ was going
on in the temple hall. Guru Maharaja told us to wheel him down towards the
temple hall for taking darshan of the deities. We left Iskcon Mayapur at
7.30am and drove towards Naimisharanya. While driving down we were told by
the manager of the party that Naimisharanya cannot be accessed by car and we
should meet them at Pushkar Tirtha. So we changed our plan and drove to
Pushkar Tirtha which is just a kilometre by walk before Naimisharanya. We
reached Pushkar Tirtha but the International party was yet to reach.