
GM Diary – NMP Day 2 (9/3/2011)

Last night we managed to put Guru Maharaja to sleep by 10pm, for sufficient
rest. He woke up at 4.30am and as soon as he woke up, he revealed his
parikrama plan for today. His schedule was to first meet the International
and Bengali party at Suvarna Vihar. We planned to leave by 6.30am but we got
delayed and left Iskcon Mayapur only at 7.25am.

We reached Suvarna Vihar at 8am and met the International party who were
listening to the nectarine pastimes from different maharajas. As
the last speaker Guru Maharaja shared the pastimes of Suvarna Vihar and
mentioned that, “we need to have ghee like heart and as soon as we hear the
name of Gauranga, it should melt instantly.” Then everyone chanted
Gaurangaaaaaaaa!!!!”.”He continued,”We should cry for Krsna and
Gauranga!!!!…. Mahaprabhu’s mercy is flowing freely in Navadvip Dham and
one should take this mercy from here and distribute it to the other part of
the world. Every step that one takes here, should chant the name of Nitai!
Nitai! ” Crowd chanted Nitaaaaaai! Nitaaaaaai!!


GM Diary – Navadvip Mandala Parikrama-1st day 8th March 2011

Guru Maharaja woke up at 5am today. As usual the first thing we do as soon
as he gets up is cleaning of his eyes. while I was cleaning his eyes the
first thing he talked today was about his parikrama plan for today. He was
piling up all the places he is desiring to visit. I wasn’t able to keep up
with him so I told Him “Guru Maharaja you have all this in your mind but I
need to write it down.” At that time we heard over the radio, HH Lokanath
Maharaj was making an announcement for all the devotees in the temple hall
after the mangala arati, “We have so many walkers for the parikrama but less
talkers. We need more of my godbrothers and godsisters to come with us to
share the pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu”. He continued saying that
Jayapataka Swami is going to go on parikrama visiting all the 4 parties
everyday. Immediately there was a loud chanting of hariiiii bol!!!!!!
Maharaj said if Jayapataka Swami can go then none of us should have any
excuse. We have minimum 5000 devotees joining the parikrama this year. After
HH Lokanath Swami, His Holiness Bhakti Purusottama Swami spoke and he said
that Bhaktivinode Thakur has said there are 3 ways to serve Mayapur dham.
1)Developing nama hatta, 2)Doing book distribution 3) Developing Nawadhip
Mandala Parikrama. By 6.30 am all the 4 groups of parikrama
devotees started walking out of mayapur compound with kirtan parties leading
them all. All 4 groups started from different locations. The whole of Iskcon
Mayapur air was filled with rocking kirtan. It was very ecstatic and we felt
the inspiration of just leave everything behind and go for parikrama right


GM Diary – 7th March 2011

GM woke up in the morning around 5.15am.I did my morning seva for
GuruMaharaj and then took shower by 6.30am.Today is the parikrama Adivasa
day. Around 5000 devotees are taking part in parikrama this year.
The 7-day pilgrimage to the Navadvipa Mandala and the pastime places of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu by walk, in the association of Vaisnavas is a
spiritually enriching experience. Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur initiated the
Parikrama, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarawati Thakur developed it and Srila
Prabhupad made this vision of acharyas into a reality. The devotees
participating in the parikrama are constantly increasing every year. Four
parikrama parties, an international group, a Bengali group, Russian Group
and Hindi group of devotees go in Parikrama and on the last day of the
parikrama, there will be a Mahamilan of all the four parties at the Yogapith
with ecstatic kirtan .All the four groups walked to Yoga Pitha in a kirtan
procession led by HH Lokanath Swami, Maha Vishnu Swami and others around 6am
and GuruMaharaj reached there at 8 am. As soon as Guru Maharaj made his
appearance on the stage, HH Lokanath Swami said “Here comes the
spirit of the parikrama. If He (Jayapataka Swami) can go on parikrama, then
we all should go and no excuse should be given. Maharaj, you are an
inspiration and your presence alone is enough.” GuruMaharaj took darshan of
all deities.


Vyasa Puja Festival – 2011. Send your Homages right away!

Dear God-brothers / God-sisters,

Hare Krishna! Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila
Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Guru Maharaj.

This year, the Most Blessed Event, the “Sri Vyasa Puja Celebrations” of our
dear Guru Maharaj falls on 14th April 2011.

We are planning to have grand celebrations at Sridam Mayapur and special
seminars on the theme “Deepening Relations – with vaishnavas, guru and
Krishna”. Senior Godbrothers and Senior Sannyasi disciples of Gurudev would
be enlightening us on the various topics related to the theme.


Diary by Guru Maharaja (Coimbatore, Bangalore and Kolkata visit)

I reached Coimbatore 26th-Jan-2011 night. I saw the auyervedic doctors on
27th-Jan-2011 they started the therapy for healing and detoxing which
include leeches. Leeches suck bad blood as much as they can and fall off.
These are medicinal leeches specially selected by ayurvedic doctors.Krishna
avatar Dhavantari carys leeches in a hand.

I stay in Hare Krshna ashrama in local ISCKON temple and and I am going
daily to ayurvedic hospital for leeches treatment.


Nectar: HH Jayapataka Swami as an eternal assosciate of Lord Caitanya

Written by Lakshmi Narasimhadeva Dasa
JSSS Bangalore

For Circulation amongst God brothers & aspiring disciples & well wishers,

I have always heard devotees saying that Srila Prabhupada had mentioned
something about the divinity of our beloved Guru Maharaja as an eternal
associate of Lord Chaitanya. I had tried to find the source and had searched
through the vedabase and other sources but could not find any quote to this
effect. But recently I chanced upon one of the transcribed lectures that he
gave in Chowpatty during 2010 Damodar Month inauguration program. Phew! I
got what I was looking for those eternal words of Srila Prabhupada that
reveals the real identity of the otherwise unassumingly simple and most
beloved Guru Maharaja. This document dwells a little deeper on this evidence
and the consequent inferences for us. For those who say Ah! I already know
this, here is something new, our Guru Maharaj not only acknowledged this
statement but he himself quoted another similar anecdote of Srila Prabhupada
reiterating the same fact which re-confirms his divinity. Read on.


Guru Maharaj’s class on 12 January 2011 in Australia

A message to all members of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Disciples

(transcribed by HG Jayaraseswari mji)

Nama Om Vishnupadaya…
Sri Krisna Caitanya….
Hare Krishna…
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Jaya Jaya Sri Caitanya…
Jaya Radha Gopinatha …
Mukham karoti vaachalam…
Hari Om tatsat!

We have the Bhagavad Gita? What verse are we listening?

Devotee:  Yesterday we did Chapter 9 text 13.

GM: We will do 11th chapter end…

Today Iveshwara the cook, went out to Govinda Valley and the cooking was
done by Shyamalaki, Navadveep Iswari and Shyama and…  Vishaka (Guru
Maharaj gave the names of the devotees who cooked) very nice cooking, thank

Thank you Gurudev!

BG AS IT IS Chapter 11, Text 53:
Naham vedair na tapasaa/na daanena na cejyayaa
Shakya evam vidho drashtum/drshtavaan asi maam yatha


The form you are seeing with your transcendental eyes cannot be understood
simply by studying the Vedas, nor by undergoing serious penances, nor by
charity, nor by worship. It is not by these means that one can see Me as I


15 Jan 2011 – Sydney, Australia


11 Jan 2011 – Sydney, Australia


Diary of Guru Maharaja

Dear Devotees,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila
Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Gurudeva.

Guru Maharaja is right now in Coimbatore, India. He arrived couple of days
ago from Australia.

At present he is taking leech treatment. It is a six day treatment. Five
leeches are placed on Guru Maharaja and the leeches would suck only the bad
blood from the body.  When we asked Guru Maharaja if it is very painful, he
replied saying, “Not so much.” He said it is a vedic treatment. Dhanvantari
holds leech in one of His hands. One of his wounds seem to heal faster with
this treatment. Bhakti Vinod Maharaja jokingly commented, “Guru Maharaja
already has so many (devotee) leeches around and now he has to tolerate more
of them.”