
12th Dec – 2010 – Sri Mayapur Dham – Evening


12th Dec – 2010 – Sri Rajapur Jagannath Mandir


GM diary by Guru Gauranga Das

As usual, making devotees on the go!

The RNS hospital staffs in Sydney got the causeless
mercy of our Guru Maharaj. The nurse who served Guru Maharaj in the hospital
very quickly recognised that he is a very powerful spiritual personality.

The nurse met Guru Maharaj along with the disciples and
inquired whether our movement is similar to Buddhist religion as she
believes in Buddhism. Guru Maharaj stated that KRSNA conscious movement is a
post graduate study of all religions.  He said that it is higher than
Nirvana in Buddhism. The nurse then shared some of her recent realizations.
She mentioned that two days ago while taking a walk in a park, I prayed to
God that I should progress spiritually. She thought to herself that, if at
all GOD exist and if he has listened to my prayer then let me see a
beautiful feather in the park. Miraculously, just within few minutes she
came across a beautiful feather along the path. The nurse then expressed
that her meeting with Guru Maharaj now, is also a divine arrangement that
she feels very fortunate. Guru Maharaj then said how devotees come with
message of GOD and then he requested the nurse to take this arrangement of
Lord as His mercy. Guru Maharaj mentioned that GOD is a title and he has
many names and He is the source of happiness. Guru Maharaj spoke about his
practice of Meditation and learning different philosophies during his early


JPS Health Update 10/01/11

Dear All,

Pamho. AgtSP. AgtGM.

Guru Maharaj’s health has been improving gradually since his admission to
the Northshore Hospital in Sydney on the 31st of December. When his
condition improved he was discharged from the hospital on Friday the 7th of
January. He has been recuperating in an apartment next to the hospital ever
since. The nurses come daily to do the dressings and administer intravenous

The wounds are all healing very well and everyone including GM and the
doctors are very happy about it. The left leg is almost completely healed
while the wounds on the right leg where the operations were performed are
all getting filled up with healthy granulation tissue and healing
satisfactorily. If no more new abscesses develop then there has definitely
been a turnaround.

Generally 1 more week of IV antibiotics may be necessary but knowing that GM
has miraculous healing powers the duration may be shorter. The Infectious
Diseases and Orthopaedic team will review GM’s condition on Wednesday the
12th of January after which the length of IV therapy, dressings and even
fitness to travel etc would be decided. If everything goes well GM could go
back to India in 1 week’s time.

Your servant,
Adi Purusa Krsna dasa


26 Dec 2010 – Melbourne, Australia


Prayer for our godbrother Venudhari prabhu

Dear Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisance . All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Venudhari pr. is very old time devotee of Iskocn . He is one of the
dearmost disciple of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj. He looks after Mayapur
sankirtan dept. and preach in Bangladesh and middle east. Few years before
he had brain hammorage. This year while he was preaching with me in Dubai he
faced some problem. After going through different tests it was found that he
has brain hammorage again.

Today he has been admitted to Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai. Tomorrow ( on
Tuesday 4th January at 8 am he will go through brain operation. Please pray
for him and chant extra rounds for him for his speedy recovery.

Thank you very much.

Your humble servant

Bhakti Purusottama Swami


21-23 Dec 2010 – Perth, Australia


Update of gm class timings

hare krsna
first of all i beg forgivness for not doing my service of online class
broadcasting, uploading recorded audio/video classes of gurumaharaja and
uploading pics of gurumaharja travelling and preaching.
As in travelling we get very little time to do all these service along with
other service of taking of gurumaharja as a personal caretaker.

but soon i will upload all the pics and audio also video of gurumaharaja
travelling and preaching to respective website.
also i just want to announce that tomorrow 9 jan sunday gurumaharaja will
give class in iskcon sydney at 5.30 p.m. sydney local time in
also there will initiation at temple by gurumaharaja

kindly inform everyone

thanking all of you for your prayer so that we can serve better to our
your servant in the service of gurumaharaja


Guru Maharaja’s health update

Dear Devotees,


2nd Jan 2011

Guru Maharaja had a minor surgery this afternoon around 3pm. It was done
under general anaesthesia (the safest option for Guru Maharaja at present).
He is back in the ward and is well under the circumstances.

The surgeons debrided all 3 wounds and are giving Guru Maharaja strong IV
antibiotics specific to the bacteria from the culture result we had obtained
in Perth. They are repeating more wound swabs also. All his blood tests to
date have been normal. Guru Maharaja may need 3 weeks of antibiotics,
initially intravenous for at least a week until the wound is healing nicely
then oral antibiotics.

Dr.Priti Rupini Dd


GM’s health update

Dear All,


GM was admitted in a hospital in Sydney on the 31st Dec at around 11.30pm
after we noticed the wounds on his legs becoming worse and he was diagnosed
to be having MRSA. At 5.30am they started the antibiotic through IV. They
did  a swab test from the all the wounds on the legs and also a blood test.

The blood test result seems ok, means as usual. Nothing has gone worse
compare to the previous test. At  6am x-ray was done on both his legs and
found that no infection on his knee or ankle join. So fortunately the
infection has not reached the blood stream and the joints and the doctors
confirmed it is just a superficial infection.

He may go for a minor surgery for the wound. It just a removal of the pus.
He may have to stay in the hospital for 3-4 days if he responds to the
antibiotics and the wounds start healing. He is stable.

More update after surgery.

Maha Varaha D