
Gaura Purnima Class by GM

Dear Devotees,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila
Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Gurudeva.

For those who had missed seeing the class live here is the link for the
class given by GM on Saturday evening 27th Feb at LA

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


GM class – Correction

Dear Devotees,


Following are GM’s scheduled classes in LA: We are 13 and half hours
behind IST. This classes will broadcasted lively on &

LA TIME: SAT 27th FEB 7pm  =  INDIA TIME: SUN 28th FEB 8.30am
LA TIME: SUN 28th FEB 7.30am = INDIA TIME: SUN 28th FEB 9pm
LA TIME: SUN 28th FEB 5.45pm = INDIA TIME: MON 1ST MAR 7.15am

Maha Varaha Das


GM’s Diary by Teja Gaurangi dd

Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

Since Thursday 18. February Guru Maharaja has started to give evening
lectures on the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in LA ISKCON temple.
There will be a three days break from Monday to Wednsday, and than again
from Thursday 25. February he will continue untill the end of Guara Purnima


GM’s Diary by Teja Gaurangi Mataji

Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Guru Maharaja!

On Friday evening, 12. February, Guru Maharaja was invited to the college
preaching program in Cal State LA, organized by local devotees from LA ISCON
temple. There were 15-20 young students present. There were patient to wait
for Guru Maharaja to come since he was late due to the traffic jam. In the
meantime they were watching the video about reincarnation and similar
topics. Guru Maharaja gave a speech about Lord Shiva, since that day was
Sivaratri. On the end of the program prasadam was distributed to the


Sata koti nama japa sankalpa

Sata koti nama japa sankalpa on behalf of Guru Maharaja to Lord Narasimha

Dear God Brothers / God sisters,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada . All
glories to our dear Gurudeva HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja.

Two years have passed, though our Guru Maharaja’s health is improving
gradually still progress is very very slow. Our Guru Maharaja is eagerly
waiting to recover as soon as possible so that he can continue his service
to Srila Prabhupada in full speed.

As all of us know Guru Maharaja’s recovery until now is progressing mainly
due to the prayers of devotees and the mercy of Lord Sri Krishna,  JSSS
(Jayapataka Swami Sisya Samuh) has decided to take an initiative to perform
“Sata koti nama japa sankalpa” (Chanting one billion holy names).


20 Feb 2010 – SB Lecture, Los Angeles – USA


15 Feb 2010 – Home Program, Irvine – USA


18 Feb 2010 – Caitanya Lila Lectures, LA – USA


Caitanya Lila Lectures – Guru Maharaja in Los Angeles

Caitanya Pastimes with Guru Maharaj
First time in 40 years outside of Mayapur India during Gaura Purnima

Caitanya Lila con Guru Maharaja
Por primera vez en 40 anos, Guru Maharaja estara afuera de Mayapur, India y estara dando clases del Caitanya Lila desde hoy Jueves 18 de Feb. Favor entrar a para verlo en vivo.

Feb 2010

New Dwaraka (Los Angeles USA) Temple Schedule
Horario del Templo de Nueva Dwarka (Los Angeles USA)

Thu/Jue 18 7:00 PM

Fri/Vie 19 7:00 PM

Sat/Sab 20 7:30 AM

Sat/Sab 20 7:00 PM

Sun/Dom 21 5:15 PM

Thu/Jue 25 7:00 PM

Fri/Vie 26 7:00 PM

Sat/Sab 27 7:30 AM

Sat/Sab 27 7:00 PM

Sun/Dom 28 5:45 PM

To view live


Ramesvara prabhu visits HH Jayapataka Swami in Los Angeles

Thanks to: Sarva Sakti dd