Category: General
17 Nov 2009 – Chennai, India
15 Nov 2009 – Chennai, India
12 Nov 2009 – Chennai, India
Guru Maharaja in Hyderabad
Note from Ratnavali dd:
Guru Maharaja gave an historic initiation over the internet on the 2nd of
November which was Rasa Purnima Day. As Teja Gaurangi Mataji written below
he was planning to come to Mayapur but due to the prolonged treatment his
trip to Mayapur didn’t happen. Many devotees had come from different parts
of India thinking Guru Maharaja would be coming to Mayapur. Not to
disappoint them Guru Maharaja made a brilliant idea to give initiation over
the internet. We had two websites one broadcasting the initiation ceremony
in Mayapur and the other jpsvani website broadcasting the lecture of Guru
Maharaja from Hyderabad. As Rupa Goswami says yukta vairagya, to use
everything in Krishna’s service, Guru Maharaja is so expert to use
everything in Krishna’s service. All the candidates were happy to see live
telecast of Guru Maharaja giving the lecture, to hear from him and to
receive his blessings. It was very special. HH Gauranga Prem Swami Maharaja
touched the beads to Guru Maharaja’s picture and then read the name selected
by Guru Maharaja and gave the beads on his behalf to the devotees. Nitai
Gaura Haribol!
Dear devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
Jay Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!