
08-Feb-09, Report from Teja Gaurangi Mataji

During the week Guru Maharaja gave three short lectures through the phone,
from his room in Bhaktivedanta Hospital. One was on Wednesday evening for
the Prerna festival in Chowpatty, the program conducted by ISKCON Youth
Services. The second time Guru Maharaja gave on Nityananda Trayodasi; two
lectures on the same day; first one for the program of the new temple
opening in Aravade (Srila Lokanatha Swami’s birth place), and second for the
celebration in Chowpatty temple.

On Sunday 8th February, Guru Maharaja was invited for Sunday feast in Juhu


24-25 Jan 09 – Pune, India – UPDATED (more pics)


1-Feb-09, Report from Teja Gaurangi Mataji

January, Saturday 31st: Guru Maharaja went to the Hinduja Hospital to do a
medical check up. Doctors from Bhaktivedanta Hospital will be sending a
medical report.

February Sunday 1st: Guru Maharaja was invited to the Chowpatty temple for
the Sunday feast. He arrived there around 1 pm. It was the right time for
giving the lecture. Devotees of the Chowpatty temple welcomed Guru Maharaja
with a very loud, heartfull, sincere chanting of the holy names of the Lord.
The atmosphere was very exciting and it reached its peak when Guru Maharaja
entered into the temple room which was packed with devotees. The chanting
was intensely going on while Guru Maharaja was taking darshan of the Deities
and then Guru Maharaja was brought in the wheel chair next to vyasasan for
delivering the lecture.

Srila Radhanatha Swami welcomed Guru Maharaja and gave initial speech
introducing Guru Maharaja as the most senior sannyasi in our movement, who
survived this severe stroke due to his intimate relationship with Lord
Krishna. Yogeshvara Prabhu, Srila Prabhupada’s disciple from USA was also
present. Guru Maharaja was first to give the lecture, since he had to go
back to the hospital soon.


30-Jan-09, Message from Guru Maharaja

Note from Ratnavali dd:

Today we were leaving to Mayapur and hence we went to get blessings from
Guru Maharaja before our departure. Guru Maharaja was concerned who was
going to send the reports and I informed that Teja Gaurangi Mataji will be
writing the reports. He asked me to send a message to all of you which is as

“Lateral vision is not alright yet. My face is still frozen although it is
improving gradually. My speech is not good because the mouth becomes dry due
to the medicines which I am taking for Blood Pressure. My right hand is
still weak although I can raise my hand and make some movements. My right
leg is also weak. I can walk few steps during the physiotherapy sessions
with the help of the walker. The doctors say that I am on fast track but for
me it is so slow. I would like the devotees to pray for my full recovery so
I can again render services to Srila Prabhupada which are still pending.”


Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja – Back in the field!

A report by Abhijit Toley from

Applause. The kind that bursts out from the hearts of the audience after a
moment of stunned silence. The kind that seems to last forever. The kind
that no one wants to ever end. The kind that follows a moment that everyone
wants to etch into their memories for all time to come. The kind that
typically follows an awesome performance that touches the hearts of the
audience very deeply. Today, I was part of one such applause.

I am writing this while watching His Holiness Jayapataka Swami who is
sitting in a wheelchair about twenty-five feet from me. It’s the 22nd annual
Pune Yatra, in the bungalow of H. G. Krishna Chandra Prabhu in Pune, India.
It’s as if the celestial giants have descended upon earth. What else would
you say if you are amidst HH Radhanath Swami, HH Bhakticharu Swami, HH
Jayapataka Swami, HH Chandramouli Swami, and HH Bhakti Vishwambhar Madhava
Swami? A couple of days ago, on the first evening of this four-day Yatra, HH
Radhanath Swami Maharaja indicated at the possibility that perhaps HH
Bhakticharu Maharaja might join us all. This news was received very
enthusiastically. But when he also told us that perhaps HH Jayapataka Swami
Maharaja might also join us, the cheers were uproarious.


Notes of Pune Yatra lectures by HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja

Day 3 – January 25, 2009 (Morning)

My obeisances to HH Radhanath Swami, HH Chandramauli Maharaj. Srinathji
Prabhu’s father had helped me to get citizenship when I was rejected by the
communists of West Bengal to get citizenship of India.

HH Radhanath Maharaj and HH Gopal Krishna Maharaj kept praying for me so
that I can recover. I am especially indebted to HH Radhanath Maharaj who
kept doctors 24 hours keeping a watch over me in Hunduja hospital. After I
was released in Hinduja hospital, I went to Bhaktivedanta hospital where I
was doing different kinds of therapy. In Hinduja, I used to see sisters a
lot. In Bhaktivedanta hospital, I see more doctors than the sisters. They
are taking nice care of me. They are telling me all kinds of stories about
the hospital there. There was one Bengali lady and she had become completely
atheistic. Her father came to the hospital with cancer of the lungs. So the
spiritual care ladies asked her if she would like to read Bhagavad Gita for
her father. She was not interested, but they encouraged a lot and then she
was inspired. They got a Bhagavad Gita for her in Bengali and she was
reading it for her father. And she got a change of heart. She thought that
the spiritual people were just greedy and were doing for them, but she saw
they are selfless and she got inspired to practice. Eventually her father
left her body. She wanted the Hare Krishna people to perform the final
rights. And she sponsored one of the Monday programs in the hospital. In
this way they are making so many devotees at the hospital. May be I will
become a devotee. They are really touching the heart of many devotees. May
be some of the stories, it is not good to tell because some of the people
may be here as devotees now. They may feel embarrassed.


Saturday, January 24 – Report from Tusti Mohan Krsna prabhu

The mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu are unlimited and make almost everything possible, as it has been happening with the recovery of HH Jayapataka  Swami Guru Maharaja, although if we consider it for the last weeks, it is almost similar but today when I went to the physiotherapy section to see His Holiness, I found that for the first time GM was able to stand alone with the help of some holding bars under the guidance of the physiotherapist. In fact this gave us a lot of happiness to see his improvement, but my main report this time will concentrate in something amazing that has happened today, as  I mentioned, by the unlimited mercy of the Supreme Lord in fulfilling the desires of his pure devotees and representatives of His mission as are the desires of thousands of devotees who gathered in Pune for the Annual Yatra festival, that this year brought 5000 devotees disciples of HH Radhanath Swami from all over India and many from abroad who gather annually to have lectures, kirtans, dramas and Krsna katha in association with their Gurumaharaja and very dear disciple of Srila Prabhupada as is HH Radhanatha Swami, for this occasion the organizers invites some senior Srila Prabhupada disciples to give them association, but the surprise this year which is the biggest yatra ever in Pune, that this time is organized by HG Krsna Candra das Prabhu in his big mansion house. Well the surprise is that the Chief Guest is His Holiness Jayapataka Swami. Although he is in a very limited physical condition, still, fulfilling the desires of thousands of devotees and after his miracle recovery was able and empowered by Krsna to travel for 5 hours by road to participate in this program that started yesterday 23rd and will end on 26th of January 2009. The main desire is to have the association of the devotees. But in fact this is also part of the healing that His Holiness needs as it is his life and soul the preaching of the glories of the Holy Name Hare Krishna.


19-Jan-09, Report from Ekanath Gaura Das

Revati Raman prabhu has come to Mumbai to visit Guru Maharaja for a couple
of days. He had come from Delhi after attending the Indian RGB Meetings.
This was the first RGB Meeting that Guru Maharaja had missed to take part,
so Revati Raman prabhu was giving him a summary of the meetings.

After this Guru Maharaja was taken to physiotheraphy department. At 1.45pm
when the session was about to finish he was informed that a group of 40
devotees from Ukraine are waiting in the Jagannatha Vallabha gardens to have
a short darshan with him. They are Radhanatha Maharaja’s disciples who had
come for a spiritual trip to Mumbai, Pune yatra and also Mayapur. As they
were in Mumbai they were brought to have a look of the Bhaktivedanta
Hospital and were eager to have darshan of our Guru Maharaja. They have been
instructed previously by Radhanatha Swami Maharaja to pray for the recovery
of our Guru Maharaja from the stroke.


18-Jan-09, Lecture at Mira RD Temple

Part 1

Part 2


Video links of kirtan and class

Dear Devotees,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila
Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Gurudeva.

Here is the URL for the videos when Guru Maharaja gave lecture to the
hospital doctors. Tirthatma Nitai prabhu has kindly edited and posted it
here. Special thanks to Ekanath Gaura prabhu to send the files to Tirthatma
Nitai prabhu.



Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd

visit for regular updates on health reports of HH
Jayapataka Swami Maharaja and to read the wonderful, heartmoving letters
from GBCs, his dear Godbrothers, disciples and well wishers.