
9-Dec-08 report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Today the physiotherapists made Maharaj take a few steps with alot of
support and effort. He uses parallel bars and 4 people support him while he
tries to take some steps.

Maharaj is still unable to sit on his own without support, but is getting
more strength in his back daily.

He is gradually being encouraged to become independent in his eating by
using the stronger hand, the left hand for eating.

Please continue to pray.


8-Nov-08 report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Today Maharaj was taken to the physiotherapy department where he was made
to stand with support for about 20 minutes in two sessions. He was holding
on to a set of parallel bars on either side of him, with about 4
physiotherapists helping him to stand straight. Maharaj put in alot of
effort to stand up and is looking forward to his next session tomorrow. He
even asked the physiotherapist about when he would be taking baby steps.
The physiotherapist told him to first start standing on his own and then
they would proceed to baby steps.

He was also made to do different exercises to strenghten his right arm
which is weak.

Maharaj is stable otherwise.


6,7-Dec-08, report from Maha Varaha prabhu

6th and 7th Dec 2008 Night shift 6pm – 6am


This evening we reached the hospital at 8pm. It took exactly two hours to
reach the hospital. There was a big gathering of people close to the area
where the hospital is located. Roads leading to Hinduja Hospital were
closed. Roads, streets, buses and trucks were filled up with people. Today
people were celebrating the death anniversary of B.R.Ambedkar, who is also
known as “Father of Indian Constitution”

When I went inside the ICU Bhadra Balaram Prabhu was doing physiotheraphy
for Guru Maharaja. I noticed the nasogastric feeding tube was removed from
Guru Maharaja’s nose. The clarity of his speech has improved further. We
started feeding the dinner at 8.35pm. While we were feeding dinner Guru
Maharaja was squeezing his fingers of his right hand. Then he said, “My
right hand is weak….” I explained, “Guru Maharaja, in the beginning there
was not a slight movement on your right hand but now you are able to lift
the hand upto your chest! You are progressing nicely. After few more days of
exercise you will be able to lift high enough to call out Gaurangaaaaa!!!”
As soon as I said this, Guru Maharaja tried his best lifting his right hand
while calling out “Gauranga!!!” He managed to lift it upto his ear then
dropped it immediately.

Guru Maharaja is very alert about his surroundings too. Whenever the
machines at the side of his bed beeps he would immediately ask us to check
on them. Each time when the hospital staff or doctors walk into his room he
will ask them questions of what they are doing and what are they talking.
His memory is still very sharp. He remembers all the doctors names who is
attending him.

At 10.15pm we did the face and speech theraphy for Guru Maharaja. Before
Guru Maharaja went to sleep Madhavakanta Prabhu brought in the pictures of
Their Lordships Sri Radha Rasabihari and Hanuman Ji. Guru Maharaja told him
to touch the pictures on his forehead and requested him to put Hanuman
picture within his sight.

Next day morning at 6am after applying tilaka on his forehead we started the
morning program with mangala arati song. Guru Maharaja was trying to sing
along with us until we finished the whole program. We noticed he was moving
his lips accordingly from the beginning to the end of all songs.

Though this report appears to be very positive, please remember that Guru
Maharaja’s bodily immune system is very low and chances for infections are
high. Therefore we have to keep praying intensely until Guru Maharaja
recovers completely.


5-Dec-08, report from Maha Varaha prabhu

5th December 2008 Afternoon shift 12noon till 6pm

I was on afternoon shift today. Bhadra Balaram Prabhu, who was in the
morning shift stayed back with me to learn physiotheraphy which was supposed
to take place after the lunch. We finished feeding the lunch at 3.30pm. When
Guru Maharaja was about to take his pear pudding the physiotherapist came
in. Though Guru Maharaja appeared little tired after the morning session of
physiotheraphy and lunch, Guru Maharaja still agreed to go for the next
session of exercises. Guru Maharaja’s enthusiasm is ever high and he is
always very keen to gain strength and walk as soon as possible especially
after seeing some improvements on his bodily movement due to exercises.

At the end of the session, the therapist told us that tommorow they may take
Guru Maharaja to the physiotheraphy department by wheelchair to try to make
Guru Maharaja stand with the help of some instruments. So today around
4.30pm he was made to sit on a wheelchair and we took him around the ICU
ward. In the beginning Guru Maharaja was not able to balance himself up
while being on the sitting position. He kept falling towards sideways.
Gradually, after we kept reminding him couple of times to keep his back
straight up he did quite well. While touring around the ward we introduced
the staffs, we also showed him his altar at the back of his bed and we told
him his bed number too. He was looking around by turning his head from one
side to another side very slowly. Then we took him close to a window and
showed him the Arabian Sea. He was looking at it for a while. After about
ten rounds inside the ICU ward he became quite tired. We made him to take
rest on his bed.

Guru Maharaja rested for 45 minutes. Then we heard an announcement,’Bed
no.51.’ I rushed inside the ICU. Guru Maharaja was awake and he asked for
his evening fruit. We also had HG Braj Hari Prabhu who came to checkout the
ICU. He was with Guru Maharaja for about 15 minutes. While Guru Maharaja was
having his fruit he told Braj Hari Prabhu, “I didnt see Radha Rasa Bihari
picture here. Please bring them and also Hanuman.” I think he noticed it
when we he was on the wheelchair tour.

At 7.45pm after doing the face theraphy for Guru Maharaja we handedover our
duty and left the hospital.


7-Dec-08 report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananada das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj is steadily recovering. His lungs are much better now. He is able
to cough out mucous from his mouth on his own which is again a step towards
removing the tracheostomy tube in a few days.

The physiotherapy is going on intensely and is sometimes tiring for
Maharaj. But he takes rest for a short time and then continues. He has to
practice sitting on the bed on his own with minimal support from his hands.
Maharaj is very alert about doing these exercises daily and more than once
in a day.

Maharaj’s appetite is improving.

Please continue to pray intensely.


4-Dec-08, from Maha Varaha prabhu

4th Dec 2008 Morning Shift 6am – 12 noon


Reached hospital at 6.30am. Guru Maharaja was resting when I went inside the
ICCU. When he woke up around 8am, he said he was hungry and wanted to have
his breakfast. At 8.30am, we fed breakfast to him. By the time we finished
feeding it was almost 10am. Feeding Guru Maharaja takes a lots of time
because Guru Maharaja’s muscles which helps him to swallow food are quite
weak. Feeding has to be done very carefuly with full concentration and with
right amount of food. Day by day the muscles are gaining strength and his
food consumption increasing gradually.

When Guru Maharaja was about to finish his breakfast the physiotherapist
came in to teach Guru Maharaja more exercises. Though Guru Maharaja had a
mild fever this morning but the fever subsided after the exercise. He
sweated a lot after the theraphy. From morning was kept asking when he will
be shifted from ICCU to ICU. Our Bhaktivedanta doctors were working on it
but we didnt get any confirmation regarding this. Guru Maharaja even asked
Dr.Shiromani to go and check the condition of the ICU ward. Later she came
and reported to Guru Maharaja that the ICU is better and more quiet than
ICCU. We fed lunch at 2pm and after lunch the physiotheraphist came again at
3.30pm to give more exercises.

After the physiotheraphy Guru Maharaja took rest for 30 minutes and then at
5pm he was made to sit on the sofa. While sitting on the sofa I combed Guru
Maharaja’s sikha and braided it while Dharesh Prabhu supplied some oil for
the sikha. Meanwhile Vidvan Gauranga Prabhu was reading letters for Guru

At 6pm we fed fruit for Guru Maharaja. After feeding the fruit we got the
good news, Guru Maharaja is going to be shifted to ICU, second floor west
wing, bed no.51. We informed Guru Maharaja the good news and he was quite
happy upon hearing it. We shifted all our belongings and left to 2nd floor.
On the way, after we came out of the elevator of the 2nd floor, Guru
Maharaja told Dharesh, “You seem to be happy.” Dharesh said, “We all are
happy to see you getting transfered to a better place.”

We set up a small altar and arranged all Guru Maharaja’s belongings in the
ICU. Definitely this ICU is a better place, wider and more quiet.

JPS Servants


6-Dec-08 report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Today the nasogastric feeding tube was removed and the tracheostomy tube
was replaced with a smaller diameter one. This is part of the process of
closing the tracheostomy gradually over the next few days.

The physiotherapy is getting intense. Today Maharaj was made to sit on the
edge of the bed with his feet dangling down. He was asked to use only his
hands for supporting himself. Maharaj was able to do it for sometime and
then became exhausted and couldn’t support himself anymore. It will take
some practice but he is very determined to do it.

Maharaj’s white cell counts are still low.

Please pray intensely.


5-Dec-08 report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Yesterday evening Maharaj was shifted to another ICU which is less intense
and is for patients who do not need a ventilator. It is more quiet here and
Maharaj finds it more comfortable here.

Today Maharaj was given a walker to try to stand but he was unable to
support his weight. Nevertheless he was made to sit in a normal chair and
was able to support his back and neck by himself. Later in the day he was
made to sit in a wheelchair and taken around the ICU.

The physiotherapy is going on intenslely and Maharaj is eager to be able to
walk soon.

His swallowing is also improving daily. He was able to eat and drink more
easily today.

Please continue your intense prayers.


3-Dec-08, From Ekanath Gaura prabhu

Present Camp: Juhu Mumbai, India, Hinduja Hospital Lila of Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Afternoon shift: 12noon to 6pm

1 pm We arrived at Hinduja hospital with the prasadam. Hinduja security is
very high because of the past terrorist attack. By Krishna’s mercy we are
all safe.

Today the Speech Therapist came from Bhaktivedanta Hospital to teach
us few systems and movements for Guru Maharaja’s face muscles. Guru Maharaja
was very attentivly listening and he is totally surrendered to whatever the
doctors or devotees advice him. Guru Maharaja’s mood is very humble, patient
and tolerant. I would say extremely or even very extremely!!!! He is in the
hospital already for one month and eleven days in ICCU.

1:30 pm Guru Maharaja took his lunch. While he was eating, Dr Syamalal
prabhu spoke to him about changing Guru Maharaja to ICU room in the second
floor. We are right now in the ICCU which is for the patients who need to be
on ventilatory support.

Guru Maharaja although has so many tubes he is very tolerant. Sometimes the
other patients in similar situation are very distressed and their hands have
to be tied so that they don’t pull out the tubes. But Guru Maharaja is very
cooperative with the doctors, nurses and devotees.

Since Guru Maharaja’s speech is not yet fully clear it is difficult to
understand what he says sometimes. If he wants us to scratch, we would ask
him, if he wants to drink water or other things. He doesn’t get frustrated,
but always remains calm.

2:30 pm After Guru Maharaja finished his lunch he was moved from the sofa to
the bed for a chest physiotherapy. He was sitting on the sofa since 7am.

3:30 pm Guru Maharaja took some rest until 4pm. Guru Maharaja was waiting
for a very important guest. I told Guru Maharaja that one devotee from
Russia that used to help Mayapur alot will come to visit him and he
imediately asked me, “Brahmananda?” and I replied, “yes”.

4 pm Vidvan Gauranga Prabhu, one of Guru Maharaja’s pandit (scholarly)
disciple came to read few letters to Guru Maharaja and do some massage to
his legs.

5 pm HH Radhanath Maharaja came with Brahmananda Prabhu, a Russian devotee,
that used to help and support Mayapur project with big donations. He is very
well known to Guru Maharaja and he loves him a lot.

Before HH Radhanath Maharaja went inside I applied tilaka to Guru Maharaja
as he always likes to have tilak on his face.

HG Brahmananda took Guru Maharaja’s hand and HH Radhanath Maharaja started
speaking to Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja asked Brahmananda, “Kakdila?” It
means, how are you in Russian. He also asked few other words in Russian.
Guru Maharaja always kindly enquires everyone who comes to see him, how they
are, where they are staying and for how many days.

HG Brahmananda Prabhu specifically came to see Guru Maharaja from Russia! He
was very pleased to see Guru Maharaja and Guru Maharaja’s special concern
for him. Even in this condition of lying down on the ICCU bed he is always
concerned about our welfare if we ate, if we are ok, etc, Amazing!!! Seeing
Guru Maharaja’s dealings with the devotees, Radhanath Maharaja was enjoying
and admiring his care and concern.

Guru Maharaja started to glorify Radhanath Maharaja and then Radhanath
Maharaja glorified. Like this they were glorifying each other. It was such a
pleasure to watch their loving exchanges.

Radhanath Maharaja narrated the incident of how Guru Maharaja met
Acyutananda Prabhu after a long time of separation.

Guru Maharaja and Acyutananda Prabhu were preaching together in India for
many years. 30 years ago. They were very nice friends. During the New York
Ratha Yatra Guru Maharaja met Acyutananda Prabhu surprisingly. In the
beginning he could not recognize him as they haven’t seen each other for so
many years. Acyutananda Prabhu saw Guru Maharaja and said, “I am your
godbrother, Acyutananda Prabhu.” Guru Maharaja looked at him and had tears
in his eyes. Guru Maharaja embraced him and Acyutananda prabhu also started
crying. Acyutananda called Yogesvara prabhu and informed him about his
meeting with Guru Maharaja and how both of them cried.

After Radhanath Maharaja spoke Guru Maharaja told us how they used to preach
together and also he asked Radhanath Maharaja to send a message to
Acyutananda prabhu saying he loves him.

Guru Maharaja also asked about Radhanath Maharaja’s travel to America. He
asked in which airline he was flying. Maharaja replied British Airways. Guru
Maharaja said, “In BA they have flat bed.” We all started laughing. Guru
Maharaja asked if Brahamanada prabhu knows what flat bed means, and
he didn’t. I explained to him that in business class one can make the seat
flat. Then Guru Maharaja asked Radhanatha Maharaja if he was flying on a
business class. Maharaja replied, “I don’t know what kind of ticket they
bought for me.”

HH Radhanath Swami is a very simple sadhu and a powerful spiritual master.
He is very caring and loving towards all of us. He just came to see Guru
Maharaja before going to America. He traveled so many hours to just come and
see Guru Maharaja, to exchange few words with him and to encourage us. We
are really grateful to His Holiness for all his love and care for our Guru
Maharaja and for all of us. He even cancelled his Vyasa puja just because
Guru Maharaja was in hospital in a serious situation. We conveyed the
message to Maharaja saying Guru Maharaja is not happy that he had cancelled
his Vyasa Puja. But he didn’t want to celebrate at this moment when Guru
Maharaja was on ventilator and he said he will celebrate his Vyasa puja
another day during the year.

Brahmananda Prabhu and Maharaja were telling Guru Maharaja how the devotees
are praying for him and how they all love him. Guru Maharaja said, “That’s
why I am still here.”

Guru Maharaja asked Brahmananda Prabhu about the Moscow temple and he said
that it is going to be built only if Guru Maharaja will give class. Guru
Maharaja said he will go as soon as he can play his kartals.

Guru Maharaja asked if we had any Balaji’s Laddu (Mahaprasad from Tirupati
Balaji). Guru Maharaja wanted to give to Brahmananda prabhu. Since we didn’t
have we gave them some Jagannath Maha Oil.

Nurses told us to go out to change Guru Maharaja’s position. After I went
again inside to discuss with Guru Maharaja, what present to give to HH
Radhanath Maharaja. Guru Maharaja chose a nice pavitram from Lord
Narasimhadeva and he personally gave to Maharaja and said, “Happy Vyasa
Puja”. Maharaja was happy to receive the gift from Guru Maharaja.

There were many loving exchanges amongst Radhanath Maharaja, Guru Maharaja
and Brahmananda prabhu. Once we tried to guess what Guru Maharaja was saying
for 15 min, until we realized that he was speaking in Russian to Brahmananda
Prabhu’s wife.

6:45 pm After Maharaja and Brahmanada prabhu left, Braja hari Prabhu came to
see Guru Maharaja.

I would like to say few words about HG Braja Hari Prabhu. He is Guru
Maharaja’s disciple more than 25 years now, a brahmacari and a very simple
and pure hearted devotee. He is the Temple President of Juhu, Mumbai. He has
dedicated his life in the service of Sri Sri Radha Rasabihariji. He is one
of the key person in Guru Maharaja’s hospital lila. He arranged everything
for us and Guru Maharaja. Whenever he comes to see Guru Maharaja he gets the
best fruits for him. He is also like a father to me.

Your servant

JPS caregivers



HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavanada das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj’s consciousness is normal. He is taking both soft solids and
liquids orally. The physiotherapist is teaching him exercises to strengthen
his muscles to help him sit without support and later stand with support.
She said he is doing well in terms of physiotherapy.

Maharaj had a slight fever today. His white cell counts are low. This may
be a hurdle to his recovery. Please pray intensely for Maharaj’s recovery.