
13-Nov-08, morning report with correction

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj’s consciousness is the same. He is trying to communicate. We are
trying to find ways by which we can understand what he wants to say. If you
have some suggestion you can write to Till yesterday, Maharaj
was on minimal ventilatory support for a long time. Now he is back on normal
ventilatory support. Doctors said weaning from the ventilator will take a
longer time. Please continue to pray intensely.


13-Nov-08, morning report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj’s consciousness is the same. He is trying to communicate. Till
yesterday, Maharaj was on minimal ventilatory support for a long time. Now
he is back on normal ventilatory support. Doctors said weaning from the
ventilator will take a longer time. Please continue to pray intensely.


URGENT message

Dear Maharajas, Prabhus, & Matajis,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

This is to bring to your notice that HH Jayapataka Maharaja is in a very
crucial state of recovery; but, he is not out of a critical condition. The
doctors have warned us that any little infection, that he get, in this
critical condition could endanger his life to the extent of being fatal.

With folded hands I beg you to not try to come and visit him because the
doctors have issued a strict warning, “NO VISITORS AT ALL!” Kindly bear with

Please continue your prayers and chanting and that is very important for his

Hare Krishna

Your servant,

Bhakti Purusottama Swami


12-Nov-08, afternoon report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj is making steady progress. He is still on low support from the
ventilator. This process of weaning from the ventilator is gradual and
going on. The doctors said that its mainly rehabilitation from now on.
Please continue to pray intensely. Maharaj is still on the ventilator.


12-Nov-08, Morning report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj remains neurologically the same. He is fully conscious, oriented
and responding to all commands. He is still on low ventilatory support. He
continues to remain critical as he is still in need of the ventilator.
Please continue your intense prayers.


11-Nov-08, Evening report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj’s weaning process is on. His ventilatory support is low. Please
continue to pray intensely for Maharaj.


11-Nov-08, Morning report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj’s consciousness remains the same as yesterday. He is responding and
trying to communicate.

The ventilator support is low, but he still requires the ventilator. Trials
for removing him from the ventilator are going on. Maharaj remains to be
critical because he still needs the ventilator support. Please cotninue to
pray sincerely and intensely.


Inspirational letter

The following letter is written by Devakinandan prabhu from Singapore. He is
a disciple of (old) Mahavishnu Swami Maharaja. This letter was written to
Kavicandra Maharaja who is at present here in Mumbai and regularly visiting
Guru Maharaja to give his transcendental association.

This letter can give us great faith and inspiration to continue to pray for
our Guru Maharaja. The doctors are in the process to wean the ventilator.
This is a biggest hurdle for now as other parameters seem to be stable with
the mercy of Sri Sri Radha Rasabihariji and the beloved Lordships of our
Guru Maharaja, Sri Sri Radha Madhava and Lord Narasimhadeva.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd



Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Please accept my dandavats at your lotus feet! All glories to Srila

I have been reading the regular updates on the transcendental progress of
H.H Jayapataka Swami Mahraj in Mumbai. I wanted to inform you Maharaj that
devotees have daily been offering Nrsimha kavacas in Singapore. For the
public programmes, we have been chanting one round of japa together and 1
round of the kavaca together. We have had 4 special japa sessions (once
every week). We are all praying for Maharaj’s recovery.

Personally, Maharaj’s present state reminded me very much of my Guru
Maharaj’s condition 8-9 years ago and I wanted to share it with you Maharaj
because it gives me great faith in the Lord.

Guru Maharaj was diagnosed with brain stem bleeding and infarction to the
left side of the brain. There were at least 2 major areas of bleeding in the
brain and an embolism in the left lung. Doctors were not hopeful because of
his age and the very nature of the medical condition. He also could not move
his limbs. They told me that even if he regains consciousness, he would
either live and become a vegetable or he would not make it. The 13 hours of
flight to London was the most tortuous I had ever taken because I had no
idea what to expect when I arrived in London.

When I did, and rushed into the hospital, I found Guru Maharaj putting up
both his hands high above his head and saying “Haribol”. Yet skeptical
doctors cautioned me not to be very pleased as the bleeding was still there,
but they could not explain how Maharaj was conscious despite the bleeding.
It confounded them totally.

In the next 72 critical hours, Maharaj got the small team of us disciples to
daily do mangal arati at his bedside – and continuously chant Srimad
Bhagavatam and particularly Narayana Kavaca from 6th Canto. Midway through
the week, a 2nd embolism began to form in Maharaj’s lung, and the doctors
got worried that this would spell trouble. Guru Maharaj’s purity got him
through that to. He told us that we should never underestimate the power of
devotional service – the process Srila Prabhupada has given us is complete
and pure – we just have to sincerely follow it and Krsna will always protect
us. He also told me that Krsna sends 2 kinds of diseases – the 1st can be
cured when we try. The 2nd no matter how we try cannot be cured  – that
means the only cure to that disease is death.

Guru Mahraj suffered very much, from my material vision. The pain and
numbness alternately tortured his old body, but I realised that he was
transcendental to pain.

That is why Maharaj I am very hopeful of Jayapataka Mahraj’s recovery.

Just wanted to share this with you Maharaj..

Your servant

Devakinandan Das


Nov 10 – from Bhaktisiddhanta Swami


This morning GM continued his fight forward. Revati Raman has returned,
massaged GM’s limbs and GM was moved to see more of his senior devotees come
to him. Again more tears as he lifted his left hand to acknowledge. More
letters were read from Badri Narayana, Lila Sukta,  Niranjana Swami and
Aniruddha in Melbourne. GM attentively head these letters in contemplation.
Then he shifted his attention to the CC readings. Today was Lord Caitanya’s
tour of South India.

The doctors had brought in a ‘breathing team’ that specializes in weaning
patients of the ventilator set up. While I was there GM was brought to the
sitting position breathing completely on his own(around 80 minutes..we will
find out tomorrow how long throughout the day). It was difficult for him and
his breathing was loud. This position is good also to clear mucus from the

Apart from a come back for GM, it appears that we are the ones being given
a ‘second chance’ in service to him. Please keep up your positive prayers
and the Lord will certainly reciprocate. Daily more and more letters are
coming in with a common unifying concern.

Btw…last night the Damodarastakam was sung to GM which brought tears to
his eyes…the devotees were so moved that they forgot the rest of the

Best wishes
Your servant
Bhaktisiddhanta Swami


11-Nov-08, From Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja

Message from Bhakti Purusottama Maharaja

By now most of you must have heard about the positive health developments of
health of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja. Maharaja has become more conscious,
is moving his limbs, and attempting to talk.

But my humble request to all devotees around the world is that they kindly
do not relax their prayers, chanting, and kirtans on hearing this news. The
doctors are giving no medicine, as there is nothing to give and no surgery
is possible. That means the only improvement we see now is due ONLY to the
medicine of prayers from the devotees around the world, and the chanting of
the holy names.

Every little step towards improvement that Maharaja makes is fully dependent
on how seriously devotees are chanting and praying. This is the only way he
will recover.

I humbly request all devotees to continue your prayers to the Lord for the
recovery of our beloved Guru Maharaja, His Holiness Jayapataka Swami.

Thank you very much.

Your humble servant

Bhakti Purusottama Swami