
10-Nov-08, afternoon report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavanada Das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

The doctors tried to wean Maharaj from the ventilator for 2 hours today. He
is back on the ventilator now. The doctors said it will take its own time.

Maharaj’s consciousness is the same as yesterday.

Please continue to pray intensely. Maharaj remains critical as he is still
on the ventilator.


10-Nov-08, 11.00 am report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj’s consciousness is the same as yesterday. He is trying to
communicate by writing but is weak to write at the moment. The weaning from
the ventilator is going to start today. Please continue to pray intensely.


9-Nov-08, Evening report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj’s consciousness in the evening is the same as morning. He is fully
conscious and trying to talk. The other parameters are also stable.
Tomorrow the doctors will try to wean Maharaj off the ventilator. Please
continue to pray intensely for this to be a success.


Update of Vrindavan prayers

Its amazing to see the determination of devotees to pray for GM. More
devotees joined in chanting mula mantras. One devotee is doing vrata of
chating more Holy names, practically whole day. Some devotees we went to
Gopeswara Shiva to ask Lord Shiva as a great vaishnava to protect GM. We
did fasting whole day and did parikrama around Vrindavan temples. When the
devotees offered prayers to this great devotee asking him to pray to Lord
Krishna for GM. As GM has certainly great potential for helping Srila
Prabhupada in his mission that remains incomplete. Interesting that
suddenly at every prayer the bell started to ring as an confirmation. We
offered Lord Shiva prasadam of Krishna Balarama temple. When we asked that
all negative forces which pervent GM from doing his seva to Srila
Prabhupada may be pacified then the bell was ringing like wild. Fasting on
Amavasya, Ekadashi will be continued. Also daily pujas and kirtans.
One devotee chating for GM had realization that GM doesnt need the
kavachas but rather accepted the love. Today many devotees fasted and
offered this as prayer for GM.
By vaishnava blessings we all increased our daily quota. My goal is at the
momment to complete 1000000 mantras to offer to GM till 14th November as
service to show who really we want him to stay with us. Its the love of
all devotees that gives everyone of us the power to do something special
for GM. The other devotee continues 108 Narayana Kavacha daily. Another
devotee doing practically whole day kirtan in front of GM picture. We hope
this will help GM to be inspired to stay with us.
All glories to Gurumaharaja.All glories to his wonderful servants.
Your servant
Damana Krishna das


From Bhaktisiddhanta Swami: Nov 9 HE IS BACK WITH US

There is no doubt the decision has been made…HE IS BACK WITH US

At 10:45 am Bhakti Caru Swami, Kavicandra Swami, Braja Hari and myself went
to see him and GM was awake chanting. He looked at each of us and Bhakti
Caru Swami said, placing his hand on GM’s chest..”Wow you look great, just
look at your fighting spirit…you really had us worried…we need you so
much to guide us in service to Srila Prabhupada” Kavicandra Maharaja said
“There are 24 hour kirtans going around the world for you”.

GM was choked up with tears in his eyes and he tried to speak, Bhakti Caru
Swami said “Don’t try to exert your self please relax..And we all chanted
Hare Krnsa out loud to calm him. Kavicandra at the foot of the bed yelled
out “Gauranga” and then GM had to shift his attention to the end of the bed.
Then BCS asked him would you like to hear from the CC?…how about the
chapter Talks between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Caitanya? Gm made a
slight affirmation. During the reading Kavicandra Maharaja was giving him
reiki around the leg area and noticed that when the description of
Mahaprabhu dancing GM’s right leg gave a small kick. He then was able to
feebly lift his left hand over his chest to hold Bhakti Caru Swami’s hand.

For the first time he was moving his head from right to left, up and down to
take in all the persons that were there…sometimes he would look over head
as we spoke.

Doctor Madhavanada, the director of the Bhaktivedanta hospital arrived and
GM recognized him motioning with his left hand and pointing at the
ventilator system that is a plastic pipe that goes into his throat. The
doctor said “that we have to keep that in for a while to help you clear the
mucus…just some more days. You are doing very very well, we are very happy
at your progress”.

Last night the doctor had a dream and he was with GM at his hospital bed
and he was pulling the ventilator pipes from his chest saying “I don’t need
them any more”. The DM was amazed to see that he was pointing to the very
pipes he pulled out in the dream. Again GM tried to talk and the doctor said
you are doing fine in a few days you can write to us. A large card with the
alphabet was brought over and he tried to point to a few letters but it was
too strenuous…DM said don’t worry you can do this later”

At the same time the local doctors had arrived and were watching, I think
Doctor Ashok, the nuerologist, was there for the first time to see GM
active, we were going to clear out but he motioned for us to stay saying”
This is the best thing for him now”.

Again we began to chant together and you could see how GM was trying to
speak the mahamantra and say Gauranga…One could easily perceive that GM
appeared to be restless…wanting to do more…Kavicandra jokingly quipped
“He is probably thinking of an unused plane ticket that he hasn’t used up
yet” As we were leaving it was clear that GM, looking at Bhakti Caru Swami,
silently formed the words ‘Thank you’.

Out in the hall DM said things are going well, he is stable and his
platelets are up to 70,000 in my opinion we should not move him until he is
completely off the ventilator. Two days ago I saw him and today I am amazed
to see this. Kavicandra added “I could really see he has taking the
reiki…I have not seen him like this since he arrived”

In conclusion…a strong indication has been made: This is such good news
but we are still in the critical stage…all of the prayers and yajnas are
being felt, and now we have to only increase and not let up. Kavicandra
mentioned(because today is Ekadasi) that if everyone in the movement did
nirjala just think how powerful that could be? Krsna is reciprocating with
the desires of his devotees…this is the most important cure. Now we have a
lot of work to do to try to bring GM back to 100%…please please please

Best wishes
Your servant
Bhaktisiddhanta Swami


09-Nov-08, report

HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of
Bhaktivedanta Hospital

Today mornings’ Srila Jayapataka Maharaj is evidence of the power of
prayers of all the devotees all over the world. By Srila Prabhupada’s and
Krishna’s mercy Maharaj is completely conscious, recognizing everyone,
trying to speak and chant (of course he can’t do that because of the
tracheostomy tube) and moves all his limbs.  HH Bhakti Caru Maharaj, HH
Kavicandra Maharaj, HH Bhakti Siddhanta Maharaj were all reading from
Caitanya Caritamrta and Maharaj could understand everything.

Maharaj wants to come out of the ventilator. His blood pressure and other
parameters are stable. We are hoping that very soon he will be out of the
ventilator as well but that remains unpredictable even at this moment.

Maharaj is also getting acupuncture. Yesterday the first sitting of
acupuncture was done and it will continue as long as the hospital
authorities allow us.

Please continue to pray very sincerely and enthusiastically.


Serbian Website

Dear Devotees,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila
Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Gurudeva.

Adi Caitanya prabhu has started a new website in Serbian language. The link


I started 2 days a go new site for pleasure of Guru Maharaja on serbian
language. There are reports about GM health translated in serbian.

Hope so that Lord Krisna will arange the best and fast way for GM recovery.

Adi Caitanya dasa


08-Nov-08, report from Dr Madhavananda prabhu

08-Nov-08, HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report by Dr Madhavananda das,
Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

In the morning Maharaj’s condition was the same as yesterday but
fortunately by 12 pm, he moved all his four limbs and the intensivist was
pleasantly surprised. Dr Goel, a general surgeon from USA, visited Maharaj
and gave some suggestions to the doctors to help Maharaj come off the
ventilator. Dr Yogeshcandra, an acupuncturist also did his therapy on
Maharaj today.

Maharaj is still on the ventilator. Though improving, he remains to be
critical. Please continue to pray intensely.


08-Nov-08, From Bhaktisiddhantha Maharaja


Some progression is there with Guru Maharaja’s external consciousness. While
reading CC to him, Guru Maharaja was listening with open eyes, first looking
straight ahead, then to the left where the speaker was, then he kept his
sight on me. The nurse asked me to move away from his left side so she could
do something with the tubes, so her and I changed positions. I went to the
other side and the nurse said to Maharaja, “Don’t worry, he has gone to the
other side.” Although it was small movements, Guru Maharaja was looking
around, searching (the swami had turned into a nurse….smile).

The main doctor on the floor acknowledged that Guru Maharaja looks a lot
better than before: in fact everyone agrees that he looks effulgent…so
different than the auras surrounding the other patients.

Bhakti Caru Swami was present at this time and noted how he moved both his
legs on command. Earlier he had moved both hands…he today has moved all
four limbs.

Also during his check up he actually was able to grasp Sita Rama Laksmana
prabhu’s hand and give it a slight squeeze.

This is a beginning…


Care for Guru Maharaja

Dear Devotees,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila
Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Gurudeva.

I had received many letters where the devotees had expressed their concern
for Guru Maharaja to see that he doesn’t get any bedsores. We just want to
let you know that the nurses do logroll him. Guru Maharaj is on a special
air bed at the ICU designed to prevent bed sores. He doesn’t have any bed

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd