
07-Nov-08, from Bhakti Purushottama Maharaja

At present Maharaja is showing less signs of consciousness and not
responding to doctors orders. The doctors say this doesn’t mean there’s less
hope, but it is difficult to give a prognosis of how long he will remain
this way.

At present there is no treatment going on for the the brain hemorrhage. The
doctors are simply trying to keep his blood pressure, blood sugar, and
platelet count stable.

Now devotees are reading Srila Prabhupada books Maharaja throughout the day
and night, 24 hours.

The doctors will observe Maharaja’s condition for the next four days; after
that time it will be reviewed and a decision made as to the next step.

We request every one to continue with their intense prayers .

Thank you very much.

Your humble servant

Bhakti Purusottama Swami


06-Nov-08, from Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja

Bhaktisiddhanta Swami Maharaja visited Jayapataka Maharaja and he wrote the
following note:

When I saw Guru Maharaja in the morning around 11am and again at 7:00pm he
was sleeping, some coughing clearing of mucus etc, and I was a little sad to
not see so much of a continuation from the previous day, however in leaving
the hospital one doctor alleviated my lamentations about the fact that Guru
Maharaja’s external condition has been pretty much unchanged for the last 15
days. He said that there have been some cases where patients have even been
in this state for 3 to 6 months or even up to a yeariand they suddenly snap
out of it with no memory of the time involved and recover 100%.

Of course we are not insinuating that it will take a long time for GM to
recover from this state but my point is that we should not be disheartened
at the apparent slow progress and that we has crossed a point of no return.

The doctors are optimistic of a recovery.

Bhanu Swami has also indicated that astrologically after Nov 14thithis is a
period that GM should come out of his present condition.


Bhisma Pancaka vrata

Dear Devotees,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila
Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Gurudeva.

The Bhisma Pancaka vrata starts on Ekadasi which is 9th November, Sunday.
Many devotees have asked me to send the procedure which I am including
below. Guru Maharaja have been observing this vrata for more than 10 years.
It is one of his favorite fasting to do. He used to only take fruits and
roots during these five days.

In the year 2003, Guru Maharaja wrote, “Now I am back in Mayapur Dham during
this most auspicious month of Damodara.  We observed the Bhisma Pancaka
Vrata by taking only fruits and roots for 5days.  I observed the vrata in
the association of 200 devotees and we all had a profoundly nice time.
Usually people don’t like austerities, but doing this together with all the
devotees added a special flavor and it was actually very blissful.  As part
of the program we bathed every day in the Ganges and offered tarpana (a kind
of offering) within the Ganges for Bhismadeva.”


07-Nov-08, Jayapataka Maharaj’s Status Report

07-Nov-08, Jayapataka Maharaj’s Status Report

By Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj’s consciousness level is the same. The different parameters are

The doctors are saying there is more or less no active management except
nursing care which is being well taken care of.

From our side, we have suggested to integrate acupuncture and acupressure
along with the ongoing treatment which is to be discussed with the
intensivist and acupuncturist tomorrow.

Maharaj is still on the ventilator. He, though stable, continues to be
critical. Please continue to pray intensely.


New Grand Total Nrisimha Kavacas

Dear Prabhus and Matajis :

The new TOTAL IS  : 12,581   KI JAYYYY !!!!!!!!

Please tell others that we are more devotees every day,….
Come to join this LOVE EFFORT


your servant
Atmananda Das


05-Nov-08 Report from Bhakti Purushottam Maharaja

Dear Prabhus and Maharajas,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaja’s rate of improvement is very slow. His blood pressure, blood
sugar, platelets, etc. are stable. We have consulted other neurologists and
surgeons in India, from Delhi, Bhubanesvara, Tirupati, Mumbai, Bangalore,
etc. Everyone is of the same opinion: the situation is very critical.

No surgery can be performed, and there is no medicine that can be given. The
brain stem hemorrhage was very serious, and if the bleeding had continued
there would have been no chance of survival. Fortunately Maharaja’s bleeding
has stopped, which is why there is hope of recovery. But there is no
treatment for it: it has to heal on its own.

That means it is completely in the hands of Sri Krishna. Intense prayer to
the Lord is the only hope. The doctors are simply trying to maintain
Maharaja’s health so he remains stable, so he may recover on his own.
Nothing more can be done at this point. The current problem is the blood
clot in the brain stem. It cannot be dissolved by medicine, nor operated
upon. It has to dissolve on it’s own.

At this point we have to simply wait, depending upon the mercy of the Lord.
Accoridng to the doctors, even if everything goes OK it will be a long
period of healing. The hospital has now allowed for a devotee to be with
Maharaja always, reading Srila Prabhupada’s book and chanting.

According to the doctors, only when Maharaja is  free from danger and the
ventilaion is removed will he be transferred to a separate room. Then more
devotees can visit.

After some time I will try to give some more details of how things are
to be handled here in Mumbai in regards to the health treatment of Maharaja.

Your servant,

Bhakti Purusottama Swami


06-Nov-08, HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report

06-Nov-08, HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report

By Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj remains stable as before. Sometimes he is unresponsive, sometimes
quite alert and looking around. Doctors feel it is expected in such a
condition of pontine hemorrhage.

It does not mean that he is not improving. At the same time, as long as his
consciousness is fluctuating, he is not out of danger. He remains critical.
Please continue to pray intensely for Maharaj.


New Grand Total Nrisimha Kavacas

Dear Prabhus and Matajis:                  The new Total is 10,172
Please Keep Chanting , you are giving your best
The Love of our Guru Maharaja is our gasoline
Hare Krsna                                            your servant
Atmananda Das


05-Nov-08, afternoon, HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report

05-Nov-08, afternoon, HH Jayapataka Maharaj’s status report

by Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai

Maharaj is stable, even today. His consciousness is better. Dr PP Ashok,
the neurologist was happy with Maharaj’s alertness. His blood
pressure, blood sugar and other parameters are stable.

Today onwards, they are gradually taking him off the ventilator. This
process is gradual.

Maharaj remains stable but critical. The prayers should continue intensely.
It is the most helpful thing that can be done.

PS: Madhavananda Prabhu mentioned that the report would be sent around 3pm
everyday after the main doctors come and check Guru maharaja.


5-Nov-08 Report


Dr. Madhavananda prabhu will be giving the official report today in the
afternoon at 1pm. Everyday we will get the report once from him unless if
there is more than once he has to inform us. As soon as I get his report I
will be forwarding it to you all.

As per the doctors the brain stem haemorrhage recovery is a slow process.
They are doing their best to cure Guru Maharaja. Devotees should be patient
and should also completely depend upon Krsna for His mercy. Please do not
panic impatiently if there is any delay in getting the reports but we should
continue our intense prayers to Narasimhadeva and Krsna for Guru Maharaja’s
recovery just like Prahlad Maharaja was dependent upon Lord Narasimhadeva.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd