
Humble request

Most humble request to all the devotees:

Dear devotees,

Please accept the obeisances of the devotees at Mumbai who are directly
looking after the medical treatment of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja.  Srila
Prabhupada ki jaya!

Today Dr. P. P. Ashok, the neurologist at Hinduja Hospital expressed
surprise that he was receiving phone calls from devotees all over the world
inquiring and proferring advice regarding the treatment being given to

Frankly, he expressed his disappointment at having to deal with this

We strongly feel that this is an unwanted and unnecessary disturbance to Dr.
Ashok, who needs full peace and freedom from this — so he can concentrate
on his professional duties — which is of major importance to the ongoing
medical efforts to help Maharaj recover.

Also, many devotees are telephoning the reception at the Hinduja hospital
and the ICCU section here as well.

For the information of all the devotees — both disicples and all well
wishers of Maharaj, the decisions regarding HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja’s
ongoing treatment are being decided by a team of doctors, who are fully
supported by HH Gopala Krsna Goswami Maharaja, HH Bhakti Purushottama Swami
Maharaja and HG Braja Hari Prabhu. The Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital,
HG Madhavananda Prabhu, is heading the team.

Again, we most humbly request you NOT to telephone any of the doctors at
Hinduja hospital, nor telephone the hospital.

Please continue to follow the medical bulletins posted to,, and

Please continue to pray to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Ashtasakhis, Panchatattva
and Prahlada Nrsimha for the speedy recovery of HH Jayapataka Swami
Maharaja. Here at  Hinduja hospital, devotees are constantly chanting and
continuously reading Sri Caitanya Caritamrita in the presence of HH
Jayapataka Swami Maharaja.  Please do likewise…

Your humble servants,

The team of devotees attending personally to HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja


04-Nov-08, afternoon report


By Dr Madhavananda das, Director of Bhaktivedanta Hospital

Maharaj’s consciousness has been stable and he responds to verbal commands
by opening his eyes or by facial expression. This has been up and down and
sometimes he is responsive and sometimes he is unresponsive.

He has been moving his left hand, the other limbs are not moving and is a
matter of concern.

The neurologist Dr PP Ashok and the itensivist Dr Hegde are monitoring him
closely. According to them things are taking their natural course and
recovery is a lengthy process.

Even though a decline in consciousness is observed since the last 3 days
and Maharaj remains critical, and he is in a state where things may go
wrong, there is no reason to believe that he will not recover. The prayers
must go on and that is the only factor which will change the course of

Overall it can be summarized that
•       Maharaj’s condition is critical but stable
•       There is no further deterioration
•       He still responds to commands but not as much as 4 days back.
•       His blood pressure and other parameters like blood sugar,
potassium levels, platelets are stable.
•       Tomorrow they will again try to wean him from the ventilator.
•       The doctors from Bhaktivedanta Hospital are constantly in touch
with the treating doctors.
•       Prayers must continue.


04-Nov-08, 9:00 am report

04-Nov-08, 9:00 am report

Guru Maharaja consciousness level is fluctuating. The whole day yesterday
Guru Maharaja was only in the sleeping state, no response until 6.15pm. At
6.15pm when a devotee was reading Caitanya Caritamrta he opened his eye and
upon the instruction of the nurse when the devotee asked him to lift his
left hand he slowly lifted but he couldn’t move his other limbs although he
was trying. Soon after that Guru Maharaja again went to the sleeping state.
As per the doctor Guru Maharaja’s general body conditions like BP, sugar
level, pulse rate etc are stable except he has some chest pain.

At 2.30 am there was another devotee who was reciting Caitanya Caritamrta to
Guru Maharaja saw him opening his eye for 10min without any movement of
eyelids and also no other bodily movements.

Like this there is fluctuation of consciousness level. The different doctors
are going to meet today and later we will be sending it to you their report.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd



Dear Prabhus and Matajis:

The new Total is 8,022
You are growing up your efforts
Daily Average is growing too
More an More devotees are Joing us chanting
Nrsimha Kavaca everyday
Many devotees are chanting on daily basis and sending dalily
reports, that´s the way
The Love of our Guru Maharaja is all around

Hare Krsna
your servant

Atmananda Das


Inspiration from devotees chanting for GM from Vrindavan

I was amazed when I met one very nice Godbrother Nitai Daya Pr. from Bosnia
who woke up yesterday 1 am to chant 108 Narayana Kavachas uninteruptedly for
GM protection. Took him 9 hours. When GM got ill his intense chanting
inspired me to also do something beyond my normal abilities.
The other devotee is chanting 250 Narasimha Kavachas daily, one doing
practically all day chanting.
I personally am chanting mula mantras of Sudarshana, Narasimha and Varaha
for GM protection summing up 20000 to 30000 daily. Takes me few hours. If
anyone has free time chanting of extra gayatris, Gopal mantras, Narasimha
mula mantras, etc. certainly will be very powerful.
Some may be feeling more confortable to chant longer mantras- etc few verses
or like kavachas, some more short like worship- mula mantras, or the ALL
POWERFUL HOLY NAME. No limit to what we can do for GM as seva.
Your servant
Damana Krishna das


03-Nov-08, 7.30 am report

03-Nov-08, 7.30 am report

Yesterday around 12am (midnight) by the mercy of Sri Sri Radha Rasabihariji,
Guru Maharaja opened his eyes. The nurse went and informed the servant of
Guru Maharaja who is usually in the waiting room. No attendant is allowed to
be inside after 11pm in the night. During the day only one attendant is
allowed to be besides Guru Maharaja. The attendant is generally reading
Caitanya Caritamrta to Guru Maharaja (even if conscious or not conscious) or
he is chanting his japa along with Srila Prabhupada’s japa which is
constantly being played. So the servant rushed inside and opened the
Caitanya Caritamrta and showed Srila Prabhupada’s picture in the book to
Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja looked at the picture for a while and he wanted
to say something but he was unable.

The nurse wanted to test the level of consciousness of Guru Maharaja. She
asked Guru Maharaja to raise the left hand and Guru Maharaja slowly lifted
his left hand. When he was asked to lift the right hand because of the
swelling he wasn’t able to. Then she asked to lift the right and left legs.
Guru Maharaja was trying but he was unable to. Since for the three days he
hasn’t been conscious and there were no movements so he his weak right now.

He is only 5% conscious right now. As long as Guru Maharaja is with life
support and in ICCU it is very critical. The conscious level keeps
fluctuating therefore we should keep praying and chanting for Guru Maharaja
intensely until he comes out of the ICCU.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


Message from Dr Madhavananda prabhu

Dr Madhavananda prabhu from the Bhaktivedanta hospital although in Vrindavan
Yatra is always in touch with the Hindhuja doctors and the doctors from
America. They constantly discuss regarding Guru Maharaja’s situation and the
treatment to Guru Maharaja is given accordingly. Dr Madhavananda prabhu is
requesting us not to panic and just keep praying to Krishna positively.

Guru Maharaja is not an ordinary person. He is under the divine protection
of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu. He is very dear to Srila Prabhupada and all the
devotees. Let us all pray intensely for Guru Maharaja’s recovery. If Krishna
wants anything is possible. It is upon His sweet will.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


Guru Maharaja’s lecture last year

From: Gopijana Vallabha Das, Mayapur Dham

Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On the disappearance day festival of Srila Prabhupada, many devotees and
disciples of HH Jayapataka Swami at Mayapur, very much missed Maharaja’s
remembrances and offering to Srila Prabhupada on this day. Usually, HH is
present in Mayapur for Srila Prabhupada disappearance day festival.

In the morning, Srila Prabhupada’s disciples offered their homages to
Prabhupada in his Pushpa Samadhi Mandir. HH Bhakti Charu Swami urged all the
devotees to sincerely offer their prayers to Srila Prabhupada, Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu for HH Jayapataka Swami’s quick recovery
and return to Mayapur in a healthy condition to carry out important tasks in

You can listen in this link HH Jayapataka Swami speaking about Srila
Prabhupada during last year Tirobhav festival of Srila Prabhupada.

Your servant

Gopijan ballab das


02-Nov-08, 1.30pm report

02-Nov-08, 1.30pm report

Dr. B S Singhal was brought to the hospital this afternoon by Braja Hari
prabhu, the Temple President of ISKCON Mumbai and also a senior disciple of
Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja. Dr. B S Singhal is the Hon Chairperson of
MSSI-Mumbai. He is a renowned Neurologist at Bombay Hospital. He examined
the reports and as well as Guru Maharaja’s present condition. Since Guru
Maharaja is not responding to verbal commands he says it is very critical.
He said that the Hinduja doctors are giving the best treatment possible. We
now have to only wait and see.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


02-Nov-08 11.00 am report

02-Nov-08 11.00 am report

Guru Maharaja’s condition is same as yesterday. Although couple of times he
opened his eyes yesterday still he is less than semi conscious level. One
famous Neurologist doctor has been brought to the hospital by Braja Hari
prabhu just now. We will send you a report later in an hour or so of what he

Today is Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day observance here. Let us pray
for Srila Prabhupada’s mercy to his beloved son.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd