
01-Nov-08, 10:00pm report

01-Nov-08, 10:00pm report

Dr P.P Ashok had visited the hospital around 9pm and was calling Guru
Maharaja for which Guru Maharaja just opened his eyes for few seconds and
just moved his head few times. Doctor will wait and see for tommorrow. Right
now the BP is stable.

Let us keep begging for Lord Krsna’s mercy upon our Gurudeva to recover. I
found some nice quote from Srimad Bhagavatam, regarding taking shelter of
the lotus feet of the Lord by chanting His holy names and praying to Lord
Narasimhadeva for protection. Although it is a long quote it is appropriate
and encourages us to chant the holy names for our Guru Maharaja.

“In the Skanda Purana, as well as in other Puranas, there is the following
statement: maha-bhagavata nityam kalau kurvanti kirtanam. “During Kali-yuga
the great devotees of the Lord always engage in kirtana, chanting the Lord’s
holy names.” It is the nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be
merciful, and He is especially merciful to those who, in a helpless
condition, take complete shelter of His lotus feet. One can immediately take
shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord by chanting His holy names. According
to Sridhara Svami, even in previous ages such as Satya-yuga it was not
possible for the living entities to achieve the perfection that is available
in Kali-yuga. Srila Jiva Gosvami has explained this as follows. In former
ages such as Satya-yuga human beings were perfectly qualified and easily
performed even the most difficult spiritual processes, meditating for many
thousands of years practically without eating or sleeping. Thus, although in
any age one who completely takes shelter of the Lord’s holy name gets all
perfection, the highly qualified inhabitants of Satya-yuga do not consider
that merely moving the tongue and lips, chanting the Lord’s holy name, is a
complete process and that the Lord’s holy name is the only shelter within
the universe. They are more attracted to the difficult and elaborate yoga
system of meditation, complete with sophisticated sitting postures,
painstaking control of the breath and deep, extended meditations in trance
on the Personality of Godhead within the heart. In Satya-yuga sinful life is
practically unheard of, and therefore people are not afflicted with the
terrible reactions seen in Kali-yuga, such as world war, famine, plague,
drought, insanity, etc. Although in Satya-yuga people always worship the
Personality of Godhead as the ultimate goal of life and meticulously follow
His laws, called dharma, they do not feel themselves to be in a helpless
condition, and thus they do not always experience intense love for the Lord.
However, in Kali-yuga living conditions are so unbearable, modern
governments are so obnoxious, our bodies are so ridden by physical and
mental disease, and even self-preservation is so troublesome, that the
conditioned souls intensely cry out the holy name of Krsna, begging for
relief from the onslaught of this age. The members of the Krsna
consciousness movement have vivid and unforgettable experiences of the
terrible contradictions inherent in human society in this age, and thus they
are firmly convinced that there is nothing to be achieved except the mercy
of the Supreme Lord. In ISKCON centers throughout the world we observe
wonderfully ecstatic kirtana performances in which men, women and children
from all walks of life chant with startling enthusiasm the holy names of
Krsna and dance in ecstasy, becoming completely indifferent to so-called
public opinion. In America a prominent professor from Oberlin College
visited a Hare Krsna center in California and was astonished by the
enthusiasm with which the devotees chant the holy name of Krsna in their
congregational performances.

Thus, due to their helpless and pathetic condition, the living entities in
Kali-yuga have great impetus to surrender fully to the holy name of Krsna,
putting all of their hope and faith in the Lord’s holy name. Kali-yuga is
therefore the best age because in this age, more than in Satya-yuga or other
ages, the conditioned souls become disgusted with the kingdom of illusion
and surrender fully to the Lord’s holy name. This status of full surrender
is called paramam santim, or supreme peace.

Srila Madhvacarya has quoted a passage from the book called Svabhavya to the
effect that a bona fide spiritual master in disciplic succession is able to
understand the mentality and capability of his disciples and engage them in
worshiping the particular form of the Lord suitable for them. In this way
the spiritual master destroys all obstacles in the path of his disciples.
The general rule is that one must worship the particular form of the Lord
that appears in the current yuga. One may also offer his love and worship to
other forms of the Lord that appear in other ages, and specifically one is
recommended to chant the holy names of Lord Nrsimhadeva to get all
protection. Practically all of these injunctions are being carried out
within the ISKCON movement. Within the Krsna consciousness society, men,
women and children are all being engaged in worshiping the Lord according to
their particular natures. In addition, according to Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s
order, we are worshiping Balarama and Krsna, who appeared in Dvapara-yuga,
because They are the original Supreme Personality of Godhead. Similarly, by
chanting the Dasavatara-stotra, jaya jagad-isa hare, and by reading
Srimad-Bhagavatam, the members of ISKCON worship all of the plenary
expansions of the Personality of Godhead. And after every arati performance
devotional prayers are duly chanted to Lord Nrsimhadeva for protection of
this movement, which is so essential to human society.

SB 11.5.38, SB 11.5.39, SB 11.5.40, SB 11.5.38-40

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


01-Nov-08, 10am report

01-Nov-08, 10am report

Dr. P.P Ashok visited Guru Maharaja and he wasn’t happy with Guru Maharaja’s
situation. Guru Maharaja is not conscious and doesn’t respond to any
commands. Brain haemorrage is very unpredictable. Any moment anything can
happen. BP is also on the higher side and keeps fluctuating. The doctor says
Guru Maharaja can remain like this for a longer period of time. He is still
in ICCU and with ventilator.

Let us all pray intensely to Krsna. Only Krsna can do something. It is all
in His hands. May Sri Sri Radha Rasabihari cast their most merciful glance
upon our beloved Gurudeva so that he can come out of this horrifying
situation and be with us all again.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


Nrisimha Kavacha Update

Dear Prabhus and Matajis:

The new Total is 4,892

You are doing it , thank you from every effort you make.
Today you did more than yesterday
Please beg for help , we need more devotees chanting Nrsimha
so tomorrow we will be better than today
By your love , everything is possible

Hare Krsna

your servant

Atmananda Das


31-Oct-08, 6.30pm report

31-Oct-08, 6.30pm report

I have been informed that many devotees are worried as they didn’t hear any
reports today. We are sorry for that. The reason is, the Mumbai Management
has asked the devotees’ and servants to shift from the Guest rooms as all
their rooms have been booked in advance for 3 to 4 months. Actually the
Mumbai Management is not encouraging any one to visit without advance

After the tracheostomy yesterday, Guru Maharaja is not fully conscious. He
is resting.

Only once this morning he opened his eyes and after that he is resting
again. At 1.30pm they have turned off the ventilator system. Guru Maharaja
was able to breathe by himself until 7.30pm. They didn’t want to strain Guru
Maharaja and therefore they have turned on the ventilator system again.

The BP is on the higher side but the doctors say it is alright. The sugar
level is normal. The platelet count is 98,000 today.

Subhag Maharaja and all the senior devotees are asking us to chant and pray
more for our Guru Maharaja’s recovery. Only Lord Krishna can perform
miracles and without his blessings nothing can happen. As long as Guru
Maharaja is in the ICCU his situation is still critical. Guru Maharaja
appeared in a dream to a devotee yesterday and said, “Please keep on
chanting. That gives me strength.”

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


30-Oct-08, 8.30pm report

30-Oct-08, 8.30pm report

This afternoon the doctors did Tracheostomy. Tracheostomy is a surgical
opening in the trachea (windpipe) that forms a temporary opening to make
breathing easier. They have inserted the ventilator tube into this hole
instead of sending the tube through the mouth.

Since Guru Maharaja is unable to breathe by himself they cannot remove the
ventilator. They cannot keep the tubes through the mouth for a long time and
it can catch infection. Guru Maharaja also feels uncomfortable with the
tubes. Therefore the panel of doctors decided to go for tracheostomy.

Compared to yesterday the consciousness level is down today. There could be
different factors. They will wait and see tomorrow. Apart from this the
other parameters are stable.

We do not know how many more days it might take for Guru Maharaja to breathe
by himself and to be out of ventilator. It is all upto Srila Prabhupada and
Lord Krishna now. Whatever happened so far is a miracle and we need more
miracles for Guru Maharaja to completely come out of this situation

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


30-Oct-08, 12.30 noon

30-Oct-08, 12.30 noon

CT scan report is positive. The report shows the same situation as the day
one and nothing new. Guru Maharaja is coming back to conscious again like
yesterday. When Gopal Krishna Maharaja came to visit Guru Maharaja, Guru
Maharaja took Gopal Krishna Maharaja’s hand and put it on his head and had
tears in his eyes.

The only biggest hurdle right now is his respiratory system. If that
functions well then they could remove the ventilator.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


30-Oct-08, 10:00 am report

30-Oct-08, 10:00 am report

Guru Maharaja was given sedatives yesterday in the night as he wants the
tubes to be removed. The tubes can be removed only until he is able to
breathe normally.

Today in the morning his conscious level is down a bit. They are taking him
to the CT scan and then we could have some clear picture.

Devotees are asked to keep on praying especially at this most critical

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd


Report from Atmananda das (Important)


Dear devotees :
I got in 24 hours more than 100 emails reporting from around the world the chanting of Nrisimha Kavaca  Our total count till now is exactly 2,500 Nrisimha Kavacas  we thank you deeply from our hearts the sacrifice you are performing for the health of Guru Maharaja

Please, keep chanting , keep chanting,….. and send your reports to  Atmananda Das.
Thank you all
Hare Krsna


Lord Krishna will protect HH JPS

From Gopijana Vallabha prabhu:

Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Today in Mayapur, HH Bhakti Charu Swami spoke on HH Jayapataka Swami’s
health situation and how Lord Krsna always protects His devotees.

Log onto <‘s/> ‘s downloads section or

Click on this link:

Continuous prayers and chanting are going on in Mayapur for HH Jayapataka
Swami. A Nrsimha Homa was performed on 28th October.

Today Panca Tattva Astottara Nama is recited pleading the most merciful
incarnations to help Maharaja to come out of this situation.

You can download all these prayers in our Kirtan Downloads section in this

Thank you.

Your humble servant

Gopijan ballab das


29-Oct-08, 6.00pm report

29-Oct-08, 6.00pm report

Guru Maharaja had to be put on sedatives yesterday evening because when he
is conscious he asks the doctors to remove the tubes as it is uncomfortable
for him. The doctor’s plan was to start removing the ventilator today.

Today early in the morning Guru Maharaja came to awakeness from his sleeping
state. He asked again for clicker to chant mentally and chanted few mantras
on it after that he became tired and slept for a while. Since his condition
was stable the doctors put the ventilation off without removing the tubes to
check how Guru Maharaja was responding. For 2 hours Guru Maharaja was able
to breathe by himself but later felt uncomfortable therefore the ventilator
was turned on again. Since then Guru Maharaja is exhausted and is taking

Guru Maharaja’s sugar level is normal. His platelet count is 82,000 today.
Although his BP is fluctuating still nothing alarming.

The doctors will continue this process until he is able to breathe normally
without the help of ventilator. Let us keep intensely praying and chanting.
May Lord Krishna and Lord Narasimhadeva empower the doctors and nurses in
this process as well as to give strength to Guru Maharaja to crossover these
difficult moments.

Your humble servant,

Ratnavali dd