Dear devotees

Doctor P.P Ashok has reviewed the case thouroughly there is a haemorrage in
the brain stem and therefore it is a critical situation. The brain stem
contains all our vital centers of function like breathing, consciousness
Therefore a slight increase in Haemorrage can cause a life and death
The doctor has said that anything can go wrong anytime without much notice.
If it doesn’t, the process of recovery is very slow and any predictions at
this time are not possible. He is already on a ventilator to support his
vital function. The doctors who are handling the case are some of the best
in India. The treatment which is going on in Hinduja is internationally the
same. Our doctor devotees in Bhaktivedanta hospital are in constant touch
with the doctor’s in Hinduja.
We need to keep on praying for Guru Maharaja’s recovery. Only Lord Krishna
can help Guru Maharaja right now.
Your Humble servent,
Ratnavali DD