
HH Jayapataka Swami in Shyamadesh. (26 -27 & 28-12-2011).

HH Jayapataka Swami in Shyamadesh. (26 -27 & 28-12-2011).

Dear devotees,

Dandavats pranams.

I have sent earlier some small reports on the activities of HH Jayapataka
Swami in Shyamadesh since his arrival from Avataridesh, however I want to
give much more elaborated report on these almost 3 days of intense program
with the devotees and our beloved Gurumaharaja.

After arriving from Avataridesh Gurumaharaja had prasad, while having Prasad
His Holiness commented that while one is taking Prasad no negative comments
should be made on the Prasad if it was convenient or not, this could be doe
separately, beside of that he instructed that the host should never be the
same coordinator as they will come for him for every single detail needed
and this will create a mess at the end and overload him with many

I was impressed that after he entered the room he looked at me and said “why
u didn’t apply to become office in charge again? but I was not any more
interested to hold such responsibilities as I explain to Gurumaharaja why
was that. But I did brief him about many issues related to office and
certain limitations that are there beside of the need to upgrade everything
in terms of services, devotees care and replying letters and
correspondences, but he was fully aware of everything related to the office
and previous ways of handling the services. We pray that the new team will
have all blessings to offer the best service possible.

Gurumaharaja after lunch gave darsan as the schedules by the yatra
authorities divided by cells which each one is headed by senior devotee.
In the evening Gurumaharaja went to the house of HG Urukrama Krsna das which
is in the same building and met with 3 groups: 1.- The Shyamadesh/
Damodardesh branch under Radhabhav Prabhu. The second Bhakti Vriksha group
under HG V. Govinda Prabhu  and gave to 13 of them the  certificates of
bhakti vriksha siksa. After that GM gave a small lecture and darsan to each
and every one distributing maha Prasad and Narasimha Oil. Then GM went up
back to Sudevirani DD’s house and had fruit Prasad. Before he went down to
the program he requested me to give a small lecture which I did and also
while he was taking his fruit Prasad instructed me to speak about our
understanding and philosophy as many were new including I gave some few
pastimes  of Srila Prabhupada with some instructions he gave to HH JPS in
the early days of ISKCON.  After finishing Prasad Gurumaharaja came out and
gave darsan to the group of HG Ramakrishna Prabhu which is a cell of 80
devotees, in total more than 300 devotees GM met during the whole day.
The second day Gurumaharja had therapies and gave blood for laboratory test.
Also this day many cells met with His Holiness in both venues. Also it is
important to mention that along with Shyamadesh yatra these meetings
included the Srivasangan Yatra.

Many were the cell groups who met Gurumaharaja this day, like those under
the coordination of Aticandra Govinda pr, Bhagavan Balabhadra pr, Baladeva
Prabhu,  Madhura Govinda pr, Paramatattwa Prabhu, The Srivasangan group and
also Gurumaharaja gave lecture en Bengali  to almost 200 devotees
(Bangladeshis) who were under the coordination of Radhabhava pr. His
Holiness also gave shelter to some aspiring devotees. This time there were
no initiations as there were no time to finalize with the candidates as now
the standard are very strict. Although more than 15 are ready and qualified
for that but there  will be initiations in the next visit of our beloved

I forgot to mention in my previous reports in Avataridesh that Gurumaharaja
also met some devotees from Anandadesh yatra.
For the last and third day, our Gurumaharaja had his therapies some Prasad
and short meetings and then in the afternoon left to Gaurangadesh where I
sent a special short report on it and then to the house of HG Srivallabha
Prabhu to start with the Damodardesh yatra activities.
Will be sending another report shortly on the first Day in Damodardesh


Tusti Mohan Krsna das.