I was amazed when I met one very nice Godbrother Nitai Daya Pr. from Bosnia
who woke up yesterday 1 am to chant 108 Narayana Kavachas uninteruptedly for
GM protection. Took him 9 hours. When GM got ill his intense chanting
inspired me to also do something beyond my normal abilities.
The other devotee is chanting 250 Narasimha Kavachas daily, one doing
practically all day chanting.
I personally am chanting mula mantras of Sudarshana, Narasimha and Varaha
for GM protection summing up 20000 to 30000 daily. Takes me few hours. If
anyone has free time chanting of extra gayatris, Gopal mantras, Narasimha
mula mantras, etc. certainly will be very powerful.
Some may be feeling more confortable to chant longer mantras- etc few verses
or like kavachas, some more short like worship- mula mantras, or the ALL
POWERFUL HOLY NAME. No limit to what we can do for GM as seva.
Your servant
Damana Krishna das