
Kanaiyyadesh celebrates Srila Jayapataka Swami’s visit 31-12-2011 to 3-1-2012

Deaer devotees,
dandavats pranams.

here we are sending the report sent by devotees from Kanaiyyadesh yatra.

i am adding few pictures to the website. as i cant send any more big files
as an attached to the emails due to long list of receivers as per the
request of pamho operator. So kindly see them on the websites of HH JPS


*December 31st, 2011*
Guru Maharaj arrived from Damodardesh to Kanaiyyadesh on the evening of New
Year’s eve (December 31st). There were many devotees who went to receive
Guru Maharaja from the airport. This was the first time that Guru Maharaja
travelled the national Airways. The airlines misplaced Guru Maharaja’s
wheelchair in Damodardesh Airport. Guru Maharaja travelled all the way from
the airport without his personal wheelchair. Dr.Diwakar one of Guru
Maharaja’s aspiring disciples and Director for one of the biggest hospital’s
of Kanaiyyadesh brought a wheelchair from his hospital for Guru Maharaja.
Accompanying Guru Maharaja were his dear disciples and personal servants
H.G.Maha Varaha Prabhu and H.G.Tirtha Prabhu. Guru Maharaja stayed at the
house of one of his disciples living in Kanaiyyadesh named Narahari Dev
das. There were about 35 devotees waiting to receive Guru Maharaja at the
house, however we were advised by Maha Varaha Prabhu that Guru Maharaja is
extremely tired and that he will be unable to accept Pada Puja Abhisekh. We
were asked to vacate the house within 5 minutes of Guru Maharaja’s arrival.
However as merciful as he is, when Guru Maharaja came to the apartment, he
sat on the Vyasasana and spoke for nearly 10 minutes and addressed the
visiting devotees. After that he distributed dry fruit prasadam to all the
devotees who had come to welcome him, and blessed them by touching their
foreheads with the Toothbrush of Lord Jagannatha (from Puri).

*January 1st, 2012*
Initiations were scheduled for today morning. There were a total of 6
devotees who took first initiation. There were 3 devotees from Bangladesh
who have been waiting for over 7 years to get initiated from Guru Maharaja.
Manikantan Prabhu who has been conducting the Yatra in Kannaiyadesh since
last 10 years also took initiation. His name is now Mani Bhusan Krishna
das. About 9 devotees took aspiration and one devotee took Guru Ashraya.
Devotees were waiting to hear from Guru Maharaja since 9am. When Guru
Maharaja came to address the crowd at 12:30pm all the crowd were waiting to
hear from him eagerly. After hearing the nectarean words of Guru Maharaja
many devotees had tears in their eyes and were inspired to take aspiration.
After giving the beads and the names to the initiation candidates, Guru
Maharaja took his lunch prasadam and rested. Devotees from Balaramdesh
H.G.Nanda Suta Govinda Prabhu and his wife H.G.Bhuvana Pavana Prabvi came
all the way to Kanaiyyadesh to serve Guru Maharaja. Their presence in
Kanaiyyadesh has been like special blessings to the Kanaiyyadesh devotees
as we did not really know how to serve Guru Maharaja properly. They were
very patiently teaching us what is supposed to be done and how we could
improve our services to Guru Maharaja and the devotees for the next visit.
H.G.Sudevirani dd also came from Damodardesh to assist in the cooking for
Guru Maharaja. H.G.Tapan Misra Prabhu one of the devotees who helped
increase the preaching in Kanaiyyadesh also visited from Mathuradesh to
meet with Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja spent a significant of time talking
to him about the personal situation in Kanaiyyadesh and also advising some
of the leaders on how to deal with certain management issues.

In the evening there was a nice program arranged in a public school. Owing
to the holiday and the new year over 200 people attended. There were 2
dramas that were organized for the pleasure of Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja
gave a class for over an hour. He emphasised on the importance of chanting
Hare Krsna and the mercy of Lord Caitanya. There were many questions to
Guru Maharaja after the program. The Q&A went on for more than 45 minutes.
Because of the delay in the event, we requested the devotees that Guru
Maharaja would address the remaining questions the next evening during the
public program. After the Q&A session, the kids drama was conducted and
Guru Maharaja sat and watched the entire drama. On his way back he took
dinner prasadam in the moving vehicle. When Guru Maharaja reached the
apartment it was nearly midnight and there were still a few devotees who
wanted to talk to Guru Maharaja. By the time Guru Maharaja took rest it was
over 1:30am.

*January 2nd, 2012*
Dr.Diwakar wanted to take Guru Maharaja to his hospital to perform a CT
scan. His hospital which is like a 7-star hotel has one of the best
equipment in the world. Ever since Guru Maharaja suffered from the stroke
in October 2008, another CT scan of his brain was not done for him. Since
Guru Maharaja went to bed quite late last night and had another big program
in the evening, time was the most important factor to manage. Since it
takes quite a significant amount of time to prepare for Guru Maharaja’s
travel, and also because Guru Maharaja was quite tired, Maha Varaha Prabhu
said it would be best if the scanning was scheduled for another time. We
were trying to follow-up with the Airlines to ensure that Guru Maharaja
could travel back to Chennai with his wheelchair that was missed by the
airlines. However we were informed that there was no message from the port
of origin. A devotee named Ananda who took ‘Aspiration’ from Guru Maharaja
spontaneously came forward to purchase a new wheelchair for Guru
Maharaja. Maha Varaha Prabhu and Guru Maharaja discussed with all of us for
sometime about the specifications of the wheelchair. Finally around 6:30pm
Ananda Prabhu walked into the apartment with the new wheelchair. Guru
Maharaja really liked the new wheelchair. This one had more features that
the older one and also was a higher quality. There were many devotees who
were assissting in the background services such as cooking for Guru
Maharaja, cleaning, and taking care of the secretaries. In the afternoon
just before Guru Maharaja took lunch he gave darshan to all these Matajis.
Some of them had important questions which Guru Maharaja patiently answered.

In the evening there was a program arranged in the basement of a Building.
There is a nice ramp that one can use to bring Guru Maharaja in the
wheelchair without any difficult and hence this venue was chosen for the
program. There were around 75 devotees who participated in the program.
Guru Maharaja spoke for nearly an hour and there were so many questions to
him from the crowd. Guru Maharaja spent nearly 45 minutes answering the
questions and by this time it was getting very late. His secretary
mentioned that Guru Maharaja has an early morning flight and hence it is
important that no further questions are entertained. The next day Guru
Maharaja was travelling to Chennai with a layover in Dubai and hence it was
very important that he took sufficient rest. Guru Maharaja didn’t take
sufficient rest the previous night also. All the devotees who took
initiation got to serve Guru Maharaja personally on this evening. This
would probably be some of the rarest chances they would get to serve Guru
Maharaja’s transcendental body personally.

Because of the stroke Guru Maharaja is unable to close his eyelids. The
devotees have to put a cellophane tape to close his eyelids so he can close
his eyes to get some rest. Also it takes quite a bit of time to prepare
Guru Maharaja for his rest. Generally whenever Guru Maharaja travels there
are atleast 6 personal servants who care for Guru Maharaja. They each take
one of the three 8-hours shifts each so they distribute their services
within 24 hours. Because of some administrative errors many of Guru
Maharaja’s servants did not get visas to Kanaiyyadesh. Maha Varaha Prabhu
took care of Guru Maharaja for all the 3 days without any rest. He hardly
slept even a couple of hours for all the 3 days that he spent in
Kanaiyyadesh serving Guru Maharaja. The level of dedication that we saw in
Guru Maharaja’s servants was very inpiring to all of us. Since this was our
first time hosting Guru Maharaja and His servants after the stroke we did
not have sufficient experience and expertise in serving. Somehow Guru
Maharaja accepted all of us inspite of our shortcomings and encouraged us
to preach the message of Lord Caitanya in Kanaiyyadesh.

On behalf of Kanaiyyadesh Yatra we would like to Thank H.H.Bhakti Vinoda
Swami, H.G.Sri Vallabha Prabhu and many other devotees who have helped in
making Guru Maharaja’s visit to Kanaiyyadesh possible.

Guru Maharaja left Kanaiyyadesh on the 3rd morning to Chennai. From
Chennai Guru Maharaja will be attending the Ratha Yatra festival in

By Narahari dev.