
Radhastami Blessings from Guru Maharaj

My dear devotees.

Please accept my blessings!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

On this very sacred occasion of Radhastami we send blessing and well wishes.

Radharani is supreme energy potency and all the laxmis, ranis, gopis are her expansions.

She is ananda potency and by her mercy we get love of god head.

On 4th Sep evening we had adhivas for Srimati Radharani. Here 26 auspicious items were offered, like sandal wood, gold, silver etc. While rousing kirtan took place in the temple, I touched all the items for offering. Then there was drama and also gopi dance performed by girls from national school.

Next day on 5th we celebrated appearance day of Srimati Radharani. Classes were held from 6:30 to 8:30am.The first class I gave in bengali and second in english. After the class we had the darshan of deities. Radha Madhava were dressed in theirs new pink dress and decorated with many flowers. The temple and campus was also beautifully decorated with many flowers , colorful lights on the buildings, gates, doors, trees, bushes etc. In one garden a 30 feet large picture of Radha Madhava was placed and illuminated by big lights. Specially after sunset campus looked so beautiful.

On the Radhastami day morning devotees were surprised by appearance of big pictures of Radharani’s face all around the campus. One simply can feel Her Divine presence everywhere. Whole atmosphere was charged with spiritual energy. At 11:30 abhishek took place followed by a big feast prasadam.

Other activities will follow in the evening. I will also give initiations.

I hope this finds you healthy & happy,

Your well-wisher always,

Jayapataka Swami