HH Jayapataka Swami on 22-02-2009 at Sri Mayapur Dham

Dear devotees.
Dandavat pranams.
Today was a very active day for HH Jayapataka Swami, I can say it was more
then for any other person who has no health problems of the magnitude of the
one of Gurumaharaja, but it is amazing how Krsna gives him a lot of energy
and strength to participate in many activities, all for sure for the sake of
the devotees and for his mission of preacher.
HH JPS woke up early and after getting ready went to the temple during japa
chanting, then came back to the room as it was not advised to be during
darsan arati due to the crowd. During Bhagavatam class GM came back to the
temple and went to offer prayers to Srila Prabhupada then to Sri Panca
Tattva, he remained in front of the deities for long time, praying for the
devotees for sure, while HG Harivilas prabhu was giving Bhagavatam lecture
that GM after the Panca Tattva and Radha Madhava darsan went to hear the
lecture. The rest was his normal activity of breakfast and then took some